What's Next? - HL2RP: Early Days


Secret dingus man
Sep 12, 2016

Gmod staffing
has disneyXD on it, Alex should prepare for a lawsuit soon


Sexually attracted to robots
Media Developer
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
It wasn't a 'haha look at that'.

You demonstrated a clear doublestandard and then doubled down on it. You're more than happy to say slurs pertaining to the disabled, and still cherrypick saying slurs to other groups. You care about some slurs and not others, and that's why you're ableist.

Then again what else should I expect from someone who reacts to any sort of criticism with dredging up the past as some pathetic deflection. You don't address points head on, you mince base-level responses with personalised attacks to hurt the other person.
to be fair only one of those groups has the mental faculties to be offended

joking of course
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Mar 26, 2017
ya patrick would probably get picked up by the transhuman and he punches him in the face and he goes flying but then he emerges from the other side of the screen and lands on the transhuman leaving a star hole in the ground that patrick climbs out of after

spongebob would probably get torn in half
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cool cat
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016

might give it a try, I’m in the same boat as @Mic15000 though, much more interested these days in creative d&d style writing but willing to give up some time for it

only thing I really hate about neb which this thread has been a stark reminder is how bitter and toxic people can be about a game.

I just want to try something new and feel impactful in a role play server, not argue endlessly about something that’s not gonna be relevant in a weeks time
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HL2 RP Senior Administrator
GTA RP Playtester
Jul 16, 2017
On the contrary, I believe what used to be one of neb's biggest strengths was its longevity. You could easily take a break and come back even after a year to a medium you knew and enjoyed.
On top of that, one of the things that enthralled me the most back when I'd first joined was the fact that when somebody was telling you a story about some significant event, it had actually happened on the server. It was crazy back then to imagine that all the battles @Civil Protection was ICly telling me about had actually happened and I could've found more witnesses of the event(s) had I looked around and spoken to more people.

This community has turned away from that trait so much that we're about to face the... Fourth complete database wipe in the last three years. It's gotten bad to the point where people simply remake their characters and pretend it's all a singular storyline regardless - understandably so.

I will not lie; it's one of the reasons I'm skeptical about what's coming. Nevertheless, I hope the novelty offered will be enough to reclaim the favour of the people.
When I say reasonable expectations on operation times i mean like, 12 to 16 months. I think the ideal format would be having an estimated duration time to plan for, and build to an ending for that and then either do a direct sequel, spin off, w/e depending on the energy of the community.

Episodic in a way, a time frame that gives a setting enough time to be explored but reasonably be laid out to be able to book end it when the time comes but flexible enough to extend it or reduce it as needed while having some idea of your end goal.

Like if we'd in January 2023 said "We're gonna conclude with a confrontation of the Geneworm" internally we could of geared every step of the way to slowly build towards that a bit better. It's also vague enough to be shaped and molded by the community as time goes on.
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Feb 5, 2024
When I say reasonable expectations on operation times i mean like, 12 to 16 months. I think the ideal format would be having an estimated duration time to plan for, and build to an ending for that and then either do a direct sequel, spin off, w/e depending on the energy of the community.

Episodic in a way, a time frame that gives a setting enough time to be explored but reasonably be laid out to be able to book end it when the time comes but flexible enough to extend it or reduce it as needed while having some idea of your end goal.

Like if we'd in January 2023 said "We're gonna conclude with a confrontation of the Geneworm" internally we could of geared every step of the way to slowly build towards that a bit better. It's also vague enough to be shaped and molded by the community as time goes on.
I'm getting not-flashbacks cause I wasn't even there for it, but Valve going "EPISODIC CONTENT IS THE WAY TO GO" everywhere for like months and then immediately gets fucked by ep3 and years later saying it was a bad idea. I know that probably won't happen here, but episodic is a very scary word to me.
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HL2 RP Senior Administrator
GTA RP Playtester
Jul 16, 2017
I'm getting not-flashbacks cause I wasn't even there for it, but Valve going "EPISODIC CONTENT IS THE WAY TO GO" everywhere for like months and then immediately gets fucked by ep3 and years later saying it was a bad idea. I know that probably won't happen here, but episodic is a very scary word to me.
Game development to HL2RP planning isn't really equitable here. Valve is also a perfectionist company and they've probably completed Half Life 3 at least 6 times and tossed it out because they didn't like one singular aspect of it.

The name can also be whatever. Episodes would just be a themely name. Chronicles, Adventures, snapshots, whatever.