Garage Trading Collective - Miscellaneous Information

A. Vaher

I make events of varying quality
HL2 RP Administrator
Premium Member
Apr 6, 2021


The GTC - The Garage Trading Collective, get their name from where they first started- a Garage. The Driver, first head of GTC, and Mechanic, second head of the GTC, formed a small trade operation in a fortified garage, making trade deals and agreements with local scavengers to bring in goods and refugees to protect the interests of the outpost, and slowly built a town around the trading post. The expansion and armament of the denizens of the trading outpost slowly came together and formed a more steel-set trading group. The Driver out of humour gave people nicknames, being car parts, tools, and occupations related to cars as a joke, but out of some form of irony, became common code for the identification of members.

Explanation & Expansion

When the Uprising hit, the GTC gained access to several abandoned warehouses of Combine gear and tech, as well as old-world surplus locked away. What with Combine presence decreased in the areas surrounding the GTC's main outpost, as well as various other outposts, the GTC expanded their routes and started doing more open trading, with at one point the name 'Global Trading Collective' becoming an actual possibility brought up. Driver elected to keep the name out of fondness. After Driver passed in the Broken Neutrality of the gas station in Odessa, Mechanic took over as the sole proprietor of the GTC, beginning to reform it and organise more fluidly the trade company. An establishment of divisions, subdivisions, regional managers, and a council spearheaded a renaissance of the organisation. With the newfound organisational capabilities, the GTC rapidly expanded its influence, as well as established a dedicated branch of security in the form of contracted mercenaries. Division of these departments allowed for a more solid formation of power, with security being detached from the weighted packs of traders, and the traders being detached from the itchy trigger finger of mercenaries looking for a scrap.

With the GTC entering a reform era, becoming organised, and becoming more of a military-trade might, they began to cut deals with SPIRE, taking their surplus goods at a low cost and giving over essential items such as medical equipment, maintenance tools, and commodity goods. These deals with SPIRE fell through after a string of isolated attacks from SPIRE mercenaries, resulting in a GTC pushback in the form of several attacks on SPIRE outposts and captured trade-posts. Around this time with Mechanic vanished after heading to Bucharest on the reason of negotiation of trade. Bucharest shortly thereafter, was destroyed in a cataclysmic event. The GTC, having just lost its head of operations, was at a loss, and entered a frenzied collapse- SPIRE found this as an opportune time to strike and began to assault GTC camps more offensively. Shortly after a raid on the main GTC settlement, Mechanic was rescued by third party contractors. The GTC slowly began to fix its operations again, with difficulty considering the presence of SPIRE mercenaries along trade routes and constant raids against GTC outposts. A notable SPIRE FoB causing a particular amount of issue to the GTC was captured after the co-operative arrangements between a squad of Combine and Rebel freelancers, resulting in the camp's capture, as well as a notable gain of supplies and information regarding SPIRE operations in the area.

During the events of Dimension X, the GTC repairs its damage and cements new measures into place to prevent a similar collapse as before, as well as beginning manufacture of items after a string of unprecedented captures of Combine Factories as well as SPIRE manufacture centers.


The GTC is built upon trust within its members, coming from the roots of mutual agreements, to the formation of organised formation of power.

There are two halves to GTC - The Security Branch (Anything involving mercenaries, defensive, offensive, or combative action),
And The Trade Branch (Anything involving trade, commerce, or exchange of goods).

The Security Branch, also known as 'Merc Force', 'Crazed Gunmen', 'Cheapskates', and simply 'Security Force', or SF, is generally organised similarly to pre-war military ranking systems, behaving in such a manner as well.
SF members are generally marked by names such as 'Engineer' , 'Control' , 'Fixer' , etc, being the ones who have to get hands on and deal with the 'engine' of the operation. Their job is generally to handle the guarding of outposts, but also entails such work as raids on enemy encampments and public peacekeeping (such as bounty hunting or extermination of Xenian infestation), with occasional outsourcing of work to third party clientele.

The Trade Branch, also known as 'Trade Merchants', 'Traders', 'Merchants', 'Cheapskates', and most simply, 'Salesmen', are much more lax, with loosely cemented organisation in how they are formed. They do not adhere to any form of strict military code, being much more charismatic and friendly than the average SF member.
Traders are generally marked with names such as 'Sprocket', 'Screw', 'Gear', etc, being the main 'components' of the machine that is the GTC's trade operation.

In between both of these branches are individuals who vary from job to job, functioning both as strike team members and barkeeps, working whatever job they feel fit for a contract length. They are referred to as Free-Lancers, not adhering to either code most times, and being what the majority of GTC personnel employed in the outskirts of areas under their influence.
Free-Lancers are generally marked with names such as 'Wrench', 'Saw', 'Drill', etc, but also take up the naming convention of both the Traders and Mercenaries.

Power Structure

The power structure sits something similar to as follows -

The Head of Company, Mechanic, is in charge of the company completely until either deposed, resignation, or death. His role encompasses the main executive decision, top of the chain. Whatever he says, goes, regardless.
A council sits beneath him that makes the majority of executive decisions regarding broad issues and ones more local. They focus on making sure the operation continues and taking the load of decisions from Mechanic's shoulders, giving most of their attention to issues within the company and without.
Under the council sit Engineers, who manage a few Regional Managers each. They focus on making sure that RMs are suited to the job and follow regulation, as well as organising RMs into cooperation, as well as setting the baseline protocol and executive decisions of RMs under their supervision. Basically, managers of the managers.
Regional Managers manage a region under their control, generally upon guidelines of the Engineers. This encompasses both Security Branch and Trade Branch elements within the region. This means establishing uniforms among the two branches, standard issue weapons, baseline protocol, value of items, and other miscellaneous functions.
Under Regional Managers sit Sub-Regional Managers, being generally a single executive for the Security Branch, and two executives for the Trade Branch. They function similarly to the RM above them in a specialised fashion.
Division Heads function as a more direct and closely rooted member of the boots on the ground, engaged directly with GTC operations and personnel. Typical function varies from region to region, but usually functions something like a DH, DH appointed managers, and the main groups of personnel within that Division.
Finally, underneath this all is the main group of GTC personnel. These are the traders, officers, manufacturers and otherwise under GTC jurisdiction. Management of them varies from Divisions and Regions, as well as their roles and regulation.


The GTC has a very particular way to identify its members, generally within the weapon they use and uniform they wear.
Merchants are generally restricted to the Company Standard UMP & Colt M1911. Traders may submit a form to allow for use of a personal weapon instead of company issue if they so wish, with the caveat that they may not be able to receive ammunition for their weapon depending on its type.
Security has more free reign over choice of weapon, but often spring for UMP and USP due to availability and reliability within the company. They do not have to submit a form for allow of use of a personal weapon and may use whatever is available in a local armoury. They must submit a form if using an existing weapon of their own, or if their chosen weapon is in a rare caliber.

Different Regions have different rules though, so it's not always the same. Some regions have a surplus of MP7s and ammo for said MP7s, so the standard issue for all members in that region reflects that surplus. Other regions may have nothing but 9x19 rounds captured SPIRE stockades so the Vityaz rises to prominence.

Company uniform is set standard below the vest and belt. Black cargo pants, a padded olive coat, a newsboy cap, sunglasses and a mask are standard for all regions. However, different regions contain different circumstances, and armoured vests also face less reliability in issue. A single squad of GTC SF members may have several different types of vest. Facewear may also vary if the necessity for it arises or depending on a member's personal preference.

Notable Events in the GTC's History

Formation of the GTC - Sometime before the Uprising
General Expansion of the GTC - Sometime after the Uprising
Contact with Resistance Body of Interest - Sometime after Uprising
Broken Neutrality Incident, loss of Driver - Sometime after Uprising, before destruction of Odessa
Mechanic Takes Power - Few days after destruction of Odessa
GTC Reformation - Few weeks after destruction of Odessa, loss of GTC elements near C17 ruins
Establishment of Council - During events of C17's ruins
Establishment of SPIRE Trade Deal - Sometime during Lambda siege of City 24
Mechanic makes contact with Resistance Body of Interest - During Alps Conflict
Recovery of Sensitive Documents by Third Party Contractors - During Alps Conflict
Falling out of SPIRE Trade Deal - Sometime during Agoran Conflict
Mechanic Vanishes in Negotiation - Sometime during Bucharestian Conflict's Climax
SPIRE capture of GTC Council Member - Sometime after Bucharestian Conflict
Mechanic Recovered by Third Party Contractors - Sometime after Bucharestian Conflict
GTC reclaims ground against SPIRE - During the events of DimX
Council member fatally wounded in rescue - During events of DimX
Establishment of security measures in event of loss of HoC - During events of DimX
Induction of new Council Member - During events of DimX
Manufacture Commences - Sometime before City 14 arrival
GTC takes interest in C14's industrial complex - Sometime after City 14 arrival
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