[IC] Out of the Shadow of Our Malefactors

Nov 27, 2022
ARK asked for a transcript, here it is:

In an unprecedented victory for Lambda, the seat of Mandatory tyranny, City 17, has fallen, and with it the Citadel and the backstabbing Quisling Wallace Breen, Earth's Combine-appointed dictator.

The truth is Sector 12 did not, has not, and will never attack Sector 13, this was an unsanctioned operation by rogue elements of the Primary Military Arm.

The Administration of Sector 12 tried in absence in the Hague was found guilty of breaching the peace of the mandate this morning at 7 AM. In a joint announcement by the Overwatch Security Council and the Interim Administrator, sector-

The magnitude of the protests erupting among students in Tokyo call back to the disastrous Blue Street Riots. A statement by the Ministry of Civil Protection ensured us these would-be revolutionaries would be swiftly dispersed so that business and life in our city may resume peacefully. And now the latest update from Sector 17.

Several Civil Authorities of Sector 12 have declared independence following the trial of their Sectorial Administration, with multiple departments of Civil Protection breaking communications-

City 24 has pledged to accept all fleeing refugees from Sector 17. Premier Girard has vowed to cooperate with the Overwatch Security Council, now empowered by the Global State of Emergency to coordinate relief efforts and ensure the continuing stability of the Mandate's constituent municipalities and republics.

Overwatch has declared Bucharest lost following a bloody uprising resulting in a death toll we are now being told is in the thousands.

You're fucking children, mindless fucking anarchists! We could've fixed this, I could've fixed this, y-you could've peacefully left us alone, crawled back to Sector 17, and lived to see another day, now this city is going to be burnt to the ground and no one is going to fucking win! We're fu-u-u-u

And as Babylon fell...
This just in City 24 has been captured by insurgent forces

We have reports Wallace Breen has survived the Citadel Explosion-

Some sort of deception in Geneva where Breen's voice has been reported addressing the city

We do not recognize the Security Council as legitimate, we have not been contacted by CMB advisorials, and we reject the Interim Administrator as an OSC puppet. We are declaring our independence from the Mandate effective immediately.

The Promethean People's Party of Pradesh declares total municipal isolation until the resolution of this state of emergency.

Black Jihad now and forevermore. Death to traitors. Long live the Bleeding Clamp!

We pledge our allegiance to the Overwatch Security Council and the Interim Administration to resolve the crisis afflicting our Mandate.

It is now a necessity that cutthroat tactics are utilised to resolve and expel rebellious elements within the garrison. Disciplinary action is to be conducted with double effectiveness.

Finally; we wish to remind you that Agora is, again, liberated territory of the Reorganized State. Collaborationism is not tolerated. And all further acts against Humanity will force us to take action.

And a reminder to our viewers that Global Fugitive Eckhart Kuhn-Dietrich is wanted by the Overwatch Global Security Delegation.

Long live the Sector
Long live the Council.
Long live Bucharest.
Long live the Garrison.
Long live the Clamp.
Long live the Mandate.
Long live Lambda.


Sep 12, 2018

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