Suggestion Make certain narcotics stackable.


Premium Member
Nov 26, 2023
Suggestion: Make some of the narcotics stackable to improve quality of life for drug dealers and drug farmers.
Why it would be worth adding:
It's ridiculous that a dozen zip-bags of cocaine will fill an ENTIRE traveling backpack.
Same with packets of weed joints, cocoa leaves, and cannabis buds.
Also the 'dried tobacco' item that is described as 'small'

Currently it's quite unprofitable to be a drug dealer, as apart from IC usage drugs really don't have any bonuses.
So it feels a bit stupid that not only are you barely making any profit from selling drugs apart from the roleplay of being a drug-dealer, you're actually greifing yourself by filling your storage that you could've otherwise have used for more important items.


Necessary content:
Coding, I suppose?
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