Serious Roleplay stories


Apr 27, 2016
The archive now has a populated index for events, but I'm thinking of branching out another category for server culture by making an index for roleplay stories. I'm sure there's been interesting periods of gameplay that are better described as storylines rather than as an individual events.

Does anyone have a roleplay story they find interesting that could help start this category? What community and gamemode was it? What was the background, what was the action, and what was the aftermath?
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event guy
Apr 26, 2016
i refuse to partake any longer in this sick never ending quest for roleplay archival, please, let us perish with some dignity
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Apr 27, 2016
i dont want this to be remembered, hudson

nobody should know of the depravity


HL2 RP Administrator
Apr 25, 2017
i refuse to partake any longer in this sick never ending quest for roleplay archival, please, let us perish with some dignity
They must learn from our mistakes, as not to repeat them.


barbecue chips aint shit
Aug 26, 2016
i will talk about my events, because even though they're more to me like the nuances of a song or some silly moral - or even a social experiment, they can be summed up in story instead, even though it doesnt do them justice.

characters however, especially ones that have gone on for years, i simply cannot
i am sorry my dear maxi
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Risen From Ruins
Aug 13, 2017
Ravoux (Dallas' character which has probably been put in the archive like 90 times) was a crazy fucking character. Basically started out as a scientist in the UIL (the science faction) and a minor political character with debates at Rossi's (an early bar on the D47 map in Oct. 2018). Got recruited by the secret terror cell by the name of Cerebellum (which was kept as a major OOC secret too).

In March-April of 2019, myself (Max Jaeger) and Luxury/Archy (Miloje Karadzic) started The Old Guard, a Humanist political party taken from the early supporters of the Humanist Front (First Helix Political Party, known for race riots with Vortigaunts). This was in opposition to the Transhumanist Party Numbers (Aaron Leonard) and Dallas (Adeline Ravoux). Ravoux, Leonard, and myself won as Tribunes.

Over the next few months, Dallas would start what was essentially a Transhuman Revolution. Leonard (An ex-cop and UIL character) ended up becoming Premier of the City and eventually became Consul/Global Administrator of Mars. In September/October, Ravoux ran against Karl Huxley (Shrike) for Premier. Ravoux won and the shit kicked off. The Borealis Event ( ) took place during this time. Ravoux became more and more crazy, and eventually took over in a coup. All of this is best detailed below, as written by Dallas.


4th of October 2026 - 22nd of December 2026

Adeline Ravoux defeated rival Karl Huxley in the elections held on the 4th of October 2026 and became the Premier the same day. As Premier, she initially appointed Grant Norton, Miles Destrade, Nicolas O'Connor, Pheobe Biller and S. Parekh as ministers of state.

Under the Ravoux administration, there were a number of reforms to executive and offices of state. MIP, MCD, MPP and MCC were once more consolidated into Internal and External affairs.

Pheobe Biller was dismissed for inaction.
Nicolas O'Connor was dismissed for suspected involvement in the November Strikes of 2026.

On November 1st, the Ravoux administration launched the Svalbard colony mission; this would end in the deaths of two senators, many colonists and cause a political crisis of confidence in the loyalty of the Senate.

On the 8th of November 2026, Chancellor Beneventi passed away in office. Her final act was the authorization of the emergency articles enshrined in the 70 Articles of Sol 3 Constitution which granted Ravoux extraordinary powers to deal with the ongoing political crisis. Upon gaining these powers, Ravoux merged the offices of Premier and Chancellor and exiled several prominent senators including opposition leader Karl Huxley.

The Senate was dissolved by executive decree on the same day. This act marks the end of the First Republic (October 2025 - 2026)

A number of political parties were banned and a paramilitary of Transhuman loyalists was ran by Grant Norton, promoted to General and made head of the armed forces.
The Ravoux government financed and armed a number of resistance movements (pro-transhumanist and otherwise) to target hostile Civil Authorities in Eastern Europe and beyond.

On November 20th, the Ravoux administration intervened in industrial action between CWU, UM and Terminal-17, establishing the Kozyn Agreement which granted the state unilateral powers over the economy and barred industrial action.

The Ravoux government sought to establish hegemony over other former Eastern Bloc powers - creating the Transhuman Order of Europe, a security umbrella program that took control of local authorities in return for the promise of increased security and the end to regional violence.

On December 15th 2026, failure to settle the worsening political crisis and resolve the situation of political exiles forming a rival government, there began a diplomatic shift towards recognising the exiled Republicans, isolating the Ravoux regime from regional allies.

The Transhuman Order was deposed on the 22nd of December 2026 by a palace coup d'etat which saw the exiled senators retake control of City 17. Adeline Ravoux and General Grant Norton were killed in this event. This marks the end of the Transhuman Order and the start of the Second Republic (or Reformed Republic) 2026 - Present.

NOTE: In the preceding hours before the victory of the Republican forces, a number of rump governments were declared by both Parekh and Norton - with Norton going so far as to pen the null 'Norton Accords' which sought to reverse Ravoux's changes, likely to ingratiate himself with the returning pro-senate faction. These governments issued public broadcasts, but their legal authority is questionable at best.

Premier (Later 'Chancellor-Prime')
Adeline Ravoux
Shreya Parekh

Minister of Civil Defense
(General, later Field Marshall) Grant Norton

Minister of Cooperation and Collaboration (Later abolished)
Shreya Parekh

Minister of Insurgency Prevention
Miles Destrade

Minister of Scientific Oversight
Nicolas O'Connor

Minister of Prosperity and Probity (Later abolished)

Phoebe Biller

Minister of Internal Affairs
Shreya Parekh

Chief of Staff
Allistar Ewyn

Aaron Leonard

In the aftermath of Ravoux, the Republic Coalition fell apart due to corruption and a great deal of Transhumans were pardoned. The remnants of the Militia went underground to start The Order and The Angels (a transhuman insurgent cell based on the fact that ravoux was in exile, and a group of bootleg Transhuman fanatics) that eventually came together to attack resistance and union targets alike. A Transhuman revival took place in 2020 in CAB and the effects are still lingering.

Republic event video is seen below.
Republic Finale Video:

I particularly enjoyed the aftermath of the Ravoux as a character. The ever present fanatical belief that she'd be back (despite her death). The Order (of Ravoux) formed and there were some crazy deepstate actions. One of my favorite interactions were with a Ravouxist-Cop. I was picked off the street a few months after Ravoux had died due to my previous connections with the Militia. Over the next few weeks, the cop and I would consistently meet. I'd walk up to them (I was able to distinguish them due to them always holding an Mp7 and walking around goofily), I'd ask if they wanted their shoes shined with "Breen's shine" and they'd reply about "Cannan's shine." We'd reconvene a street over, and occasionally they'd give me guns, ammo, or medical supplies to bring down to the Order to help fight the resistance and current government.

Begotten 3 was a custom server running from May 2021 - September 2021. It was weekly (Thursday-Sunday) and probably the most highly developed server I've seen on GMOD. It consistently filled up to 66 players on the days it was open and ran off of a heavily modified Clockwork Schema.

The server itself was based around a custom universe derived from the Begotten film. While at times it was comical, the server itself dealt with religious, racial, and grimdark themes.

The gameplay was unique and the server described itself as "extreme survival roleplay". A custom forging system, combat system, a belief tree, faction mechanics, and a cool map were apart of the server. On occasion there were week long events taking place in different locations that affected the story.

I've compiled a few really cool moments and screenshots.
Combat display.

More combat display.


Medical system.
meme showing off the intro and large combat

dueling display and early combat
final event for one of the factions (children of satan)

Character (Lord Maximus) battles member of an opposing faction (Gores)

Display of tab menu

Google Sheets view of beliefs. (Doesn't show individual faith or what each one does)


Character selection screen. (Not shown the previous section where you select faith).
What is shown is the point system where you could get benefits but take on negative traits.

members of one faction (children of satan) save an undercover member getting executed by another faction (gatekeepers/holy hierachy)

Satan gets owned.
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jimbo 2

Dec 29, 2020
Ravoux (Dallas' character which has probably been put in the archive like 90 times) was a crazy fucking character. Basically started out as a scientist in the UIL (the science faction) and a minor political character with debates at Rossi's (an early bar on the D47 map in Oct. 2018). Got recruited by the secret terror cell by the name of Cerebellum (which was kept as a major OOC secret too).

In March-April of 2019, myself (Max Jaeger) and Luxury/Archy (Miloje Karadzic) started The Old Guard, a Humanist political party taken from the early supporters of the Humanist Front (First Helix Political Party, known for race riots with Vortigaunts). This was in opposition to the Transhumanist Party Numbers (Aaron Leonard) and Dallas (Adeline Ravoux). Ravoux, Leonard, and myself won as Tribunes.

Over the next few months, Dallas would start what was essentially a Transhuman Revolution. Leonard (An ex-cop and UIL character) ended up becoming Premier of the City and eventually became Consul/Global Administrator of Mars. In September/October, Ravoux ran against Karl Huxley (Shrike) for Premier. Ravoux won and the shit kicked off. The Borealis Event ( ) took place during this time. Ravoux became more and more crazy, and eventually took over in a coup. All of this is best detailed below, as written by Dallas.


4th of October 2026 - 22nd of December 2026

Adeline Ravoux defeated rival Karl Huxley in the elections held on the 4th of October 2026 and became the Premier the same day. As Premier, she initially appointed Grant Norton, Miles Destrade, Nicolas O'Connor, Pheobe Biller and S. Parekh as ministers of state.

Under the Ravoux administration, there were a number of reforms to executive and offices of state. MIP, MCD, MPP and MCC were once more consolidated into Internal and External affairs.

Pheobe Biller was dismissed for inaction.
Nicolas O'Connor was dismissed for suspected involvement in the November Strikes of 2026.

On November 1st, the Ravoux administration launched the Svalbard colony mission; this would end in the deaths of two senators, many colonists and cause a political crisis of confidence in the loyalty of the Senate.

On the 8th of November 2026, Chancellor Beneventi passed away in office. Her final act was the authorization of the emergency articles enshrined in the 70 Articles of Sol 3 Constitution which granted Ravoux extraordinary powers to deal with the ongoing political crisis. Upon gaining these powers, Ravoux merged the offices of Premier and Chancellor and exiled several prominent senators including opposition leader Karl Huxley.

The Senate was dissolved by executive decree on the same day. This act marks the end of the First Republic (October 2025 - 2026)

A number of political parties were banned and a paramilitary of Transhuman loyalists was ran by Grant Norton, promoted to General and made head of the armed forces.
The Ravoux government financed and armed a number of resistance movements (pro-transhumanist and otherwise) to target hostile Civil Authorities in Eastern Europe and beyond.

On November 20th, the Ravoux administration intervened in industrial action between CWU, UM and Terminal-17, establishing the Kozyn Agreement which granted the state unilateral powers over the economy and barred industrial action.

The Ravoux government sought to establish hegemony over other former Eastern Bloc powers - creating the Transhuman Order of Europe, a security umbrella program that took control of local authorities in return for the promise of increased security and the end to regional violence.

On December 15th 2026, failure to settle the worsening political crisis and resolve the situation of political exiles forming a rival government, there began a diplomatic shift towards recognising the exiled Republicans, isolating the Ravoux regime from regional allies.

The Transhuman Order was deposed on the 22nd of December 2026 by a palace coup d'etat which saw the exiled senators retake control of City 17. Adeline Ravoux and General Grant Norton were killed in this event. This marks the end of the Transhuman Order and the start of the Second Republic (or Reformed Republic) 2026 - Present.

NOTE: In the preceding hours before the victory of the Republican forces, a number of rump governments were declared by both Parekh and Norton - with Norton going so far as to pen the null 'Norton Accords' which sought to reverse Ravoux's changes, likely to ingratiate himself with the returning pro-senate faction. These governments issued public broadcasts, but their legal authority is questionable at best.

Premier (Later 'Chancellor-Prime')
Adeline Ravoux
Shreya Parekh

Minister of Civil Defense
(General, later Field Marshall) Grant Norton

Minister of Cooperation and Collaboration (Later abolished)
Shreya Parekh

Minister of Insurgency Prevention
Miles Destrade

Minister of Scientific Oversight
Nicolas O'Connor

Minister of Prosperity and Probity (Later abolished)

Phoebe Biller

Minister of Internal Affairs
Shreya Parekh

Chief of Staff
Allistar Ewyn

Aaron Leonard

In the aftermath of Ravoux, the Republic Coalition fell apart due to corruption and a great deal of Transhumans were pardoned. The remnants of the Militia went underground to start The Order and The Angels (a transhuman insurgent cell based on the fact that ravoux was in exile, and a group of bootleg Transhuman fanatics) that eventually came together to attack resistance and union targets alike. A Transhuman revival took place in 2020 in CAB and the effects are still lingering.

Republic event video is seen below.
Republic Finale Video:

I particularly enjoyed the aftermath of the Ravoux as a character. The ever present fanatical belief that she'd be back (despite her death). The Order (of Ravoux) formed and there were some crazy deepstate actions. One of my favorite interactions were with a Ravouxist-Cop. I was picked off the street a few months after Ravoux had died due to my previous connections with the Militia. Over the next few weeks, the cop and I would consistently meet. I'd walk up to them (I was able to distinguish them due to them always holding an Mp7 and walking around goofily), I'd ask if they wanted their shoes shined with "Breen's shine" and they'd reply about "Cannan's shine." We'd reconvene a street over, and occasionally they'd give me guns, ammo, or medical supplies to bring down to the Order to help fight the resistance and current government.

Begotten 3 was a custom server running from May 2021 - September 2021. It was weekly (Thursday-Sunday) and probably the most highly developed server I've seen on GMOD. It consistently filled up to 66 players on the days it was open and ran off of a heavily modified Clockwork Schema.

The server itself was based around a custom universe derived from the Begotten film. While at times it was comical, the server itself dealt with religious, racial, and grimdark themes.

The gameplay was unique and the server described itself as "extreme survival roleplay". A custom forging system, combat system, a belief tree, faction mechanics, and a cool map were apart of the server. On occasion there were week long events taking place in different locations that affected the story.

I've compiled a few really cool moments and screenshots.
Combat display.

More combat display.


Medical system.
meme showing off the intro and large combat

dueling display and early combat
final event for one of the factions (children of satan)

Character (Lord Maximus) battles member of an opposing faction (Gores)

Display of tab menu

Google Sheets view of beliefs. (Doesn't show individual faith or what each one does)


Character selection screen. (Not shown the previous section where you select faith).
What is shown is the point system where you could get benefits but take on negative traits.

members of one faction (children of satan) save an undercover member getting executed by another faction (gatekeepers/holy hierachy)

Satan gets owned.

watched the ending of begotten that explained the origin of the glaze and everything, shit looked awesome. wouldve gotten more into it if i wasnt working
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