The Municipality of Agora


Extraction Point
GTA RP Playtester
Jul 31, 2016


The Municipality of Agora

Moments after the Bucharestian Homeguard came in aid of the liberating forces fighting in Agora, the Council for National Salvation (the legislative body of the Reorganized State of Bucharest) decreed the elevation of Agora as a Municipality of the Free State. Not just a town.

Its people and fertile fields, now protected by the Bucharestian militarized democracy.

Against the "Free Town of Agora" movement - a disguised Collaborationist coalition that falsely claims neutrality for the benefit of the Combine.

Against the Emergent cancer - fetishizers of genocide and slavery.


The Municipality of Agora is administered by a single body - the Municipal Junta.
Its internal structure is left to the choice of its citizens to organize.

In the days to come, the local resistance fighters - now, citizens of Bucharest by law - will be tasked with deciding who will be responsible for Agora, its land, and its organization. Be it a single person, a collective of persons, a single cell, or a collective of cells. It's up to them.

You are autonomous within the limits of the Bucharestian Reorganized Constitution.

Such our Democracy wills,

Since the crumble of the Combine consulate on Earth, many forms of civilization began to grow across the old sectors.
Bucharest and its autonomous municipalities are an example.

I present you with a fresh and first approach to rebel city-RP, even if on a smaller scale.

This works just like any Municipality in real life.

The only difference is: you are the pioneers of Agora

Who and how you will run this town will be entirely up to you, as a collective.

Democratic elections? Oligarchy? Military Junta? Be creative.

Whoever takes the responsibility is also free to create their own internal ranks, and bodies for whatever reasons they ICly see fit, within reason.

Bucharest only demands one thing: no autocracies.

Speak to @Hunk and @Appetite Ruining Kebab if you have any questions.

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fresh prince of baghdad
Apr 16, 2017

I call upon you, under the luminous gaze of the Almighty, to envisage a future where justice, prosperity, and the divine will of the people reign supreme. A vision where the Quranic wisdom, 'And let there be [arising] from you a nation inviting to [all that is] good, enjoining what is right and forbidding what is wrong...' (Quran 3:104), takes form as a democratic system, where the Council of Twelve acts as the vanguard of the Agoran heart.

Five seats shall be the torchbearers of the insurgent cells and the vortigaunts, those who faced the maelstrom with unwavering will. The Hadith says, 'The best Jihad is the word of Justice in front of the oppressive Sultan.' These seats shall be the voice of justice.

Another five seats shall be bestowed upon the businesses and organizations, the very sinews and spine of our society. For Allah has said, 'That which you give for interest to increase within the wealth of people will not increase with Allah. But what you give in Zakat, desiring the countenance of Allah - those are the multipliers.' (Quran 30:39). They shall be the architects of our communal wealth.

Lastly, two seats, like twin stars guiding the night, shall be the chosen representatives of the people's heart, independent and unshackled. The Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him) said, 'The best among you are those who have the best manners and character.' (Hadith). They shall be the moral compass.

This, my brethren, is the holy symphony of governance that we must strive to manifest. A system of balance, prosperity, and divine justice - with the wisdom of the Quran and Hadith as our guiding lights.

May Allah grant us wisdom, strength, and unity as we embark on this sacred path.

In unity and faith,
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