Serious Medical/Mental Illness. Or a general well being thread

'77 East

Jul 17, 2017
drink in moderation
if you get moody while on the stuff it's going to just make you even worse and require more, spiraling to the point it kills you if you don't quit

t. seen it happen before, unfortunately


Jun 12, 2022


GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
I'm dredging this up from page 2 because it feels less awkward than making a post somewhere else about this, so yeah. First off, hope everyone's doing okay, that you're happy, warm and fed.

I've never posted in here before, mostly because I didn't really see what else I could add except for just kind of complaining about my life which I didn't think people here would really care too much about, but I'm posting now out of positivity I guess.

I've struggled with depression through most of my life and some people here know that in 2017 a family member extremely close to me entered a vegetative state that they've never recovered from to this day, and only a few people know this but whatever,
in 2020 (surprisingly had nothing to do with covid) I tried to kill myself by almost jumping out of a 5th story window and was just barely saved by a friend.

I attended therapy which I've mentioned a few times here but it never really helped much bar just stabilising me, and it wasn't until I was fortunate enough to find myself in a series of 'mostly ups' over the past two years (bar a few very low moments) that now I think I've reached a point in my life where the pros outweigh the cons and I finally feel happy.

I've had a stable, decent paying job for the past two years where I've felt mostly fulfilled and I've had a boss that's actually helped me with a lot of my issues. I've even managed to save up enough to do one of those shared ownership first time buyer schemes for a house and it's looking like I'll actually have my own place in a couple of months, and I think for the first time in my life I've actually started to feel consistently happy, or at the very least fulfilled.

I guess what's spurred me to post here is that the other day I was thinking about my future and for the first time in the entirety of my life when I thought about the inevitability of my own death I was overcome with sorrow and fear and it hit me that I didn't want to die. I don't know how others think or feel when they think about that eventually everything will end (or if that's something normal people even fucking do tbh) but for me, for most of my life and especially in 2020 it always seemed like a goal or at the very least some relief - something that couldn't be worse than life, and that the only reason I kept going was for others, not myself.

But now? I want to live. It feels so bizarre, foreign almost. It feels so genuinely good to be alive and it feels so strange that I'm honestly saddened at the thought that it'll inevitably end one day. But until that day, I hope I get to continue enjoying life, and for anyone else struggling with their mental health right now, if it's something you've been dealing with for a short time or a long time, I hope you eventually either feel happy again, or happy for the first time. Life is worth living and I hope one day you too reach the bizarre state I've found myself in.

Keep going. It's worth it.

(Thanks for reading, and thank you nebulous for being a part of my life for just over 11 years. Some of the friends I've made here are responsible for where I am today and I couldn't have done it without them.)
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GTA RP Playtester
Aug 23, 2016
I'm dredging this up from page 2 because it feels less awkward than making a post somewhere else about this, so yeah. First off, hope everyone's doing okay, that you're happy, warm and fed.

I've never posted in here before, mostly because I didn't really see what else I could add except for just kind of complaining about my life which I didn't think people here would really care too much about, but I'm posting now out of positivity I guess.

I've struggled with depression through most of my life and some people here know that in 2017 a family member extremely close to me entered a vegetative state that they've never recovered from to this day, and only a few people know this but whatever,
in 2020 (surprisingly had nothing to do with covid) I tried to kill myself by almost jumping out of a 5th story window and was just barely saved by a friend.

I attended therapy which I've mentioned a few times here but it never really helped much bar just stabilising me, and it wasn't until I was fortunate enough to find myself in a series of 'mostly ups' over the past two years (bar a few very low moments) that now I think I've reached a point in my life where the pros outweigh the cons and I finally feel happy.

I've had a stable, decent paying job for the past two years where I've felt mostly fulfilled and I've had a boss that's actually helped me with a lot of my issues. I've even managed to save up enough to do one of those shared ownership first time buyer schemes for a house and it's looking like I'll actually have my own place in a couple of months, and I think for the first time in my life I've actually started to feel consistently happy, or at the very least fulfilled.

I guess what's spurred me to post here is that the other day I was thinking about my future and for the first time in the entirety of my life when I thought about the inevitability of my own death I was overcome with sorrow and fear and it hit me that I didn't want to die. I don't know how others think or feel when they think about that eventually everything will end (or if that's something normal people even fucking do tbh) but for me, for most of my life and especially in 2020 it always seemed like a goal or at the very least some relief - something that couldn't be worse than life, and that the only reason I kept going was for others, not myself.

But now? I want to live. It feels so bizarre, foreign almost. It feels so genuinely good to be alive and it feels so strange that I'm honestly saddened at the thought that it'll inevitably end one day. But until that day, I hope I get to continue enjoying life, and for anyone else struggling with their mental health right now, if it's something you've been dealing with for a short time or a long time, I hope you eventually either feel happy again, or happy for the first time. Life is worth living and I hope one day you too reach the bizarre state I've found myself in.

Keep going. It's worth it.

(Thanks for reading, and thank you nebulous for being a part of my life for just over 11 years. Some of the friends I've made here are responsible for where I am today and I couldn't have done it without them.)
choose life


cool cat
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
I never really like opening up too much in threads or online (or frankly in general) but I've had a couple of sleepless nights recently and I wanted to get something off my chest, or maybe just share something going on in my life.

Last Friday evening my uncle (on my dads side) had a heart attack. I have an unusually close family as we've always lived within a couple of miles of each other and at one point my uncle and his family were my neighbours. As of today, he is currently in ICU and has shown little signs of improvement. He is now under a do not resuscitate order - I'm frankly worried sick and after having phone calls with my dad (I live nearly 100 miles away for studies), I can tell by his voice that this isn't good. My dad isn't want for emotions really, but I can tell by his voice that he is worried as well.

I'm really struggling to sleep at the moment. I don't know when I might get that call that something bad has happened. I hope the next call I get is good news, that he's shown signs of improvement, but as of yet, nothing. I messaged my aunt (my uncles wife) over the weekend to send my well wishes (I did consider calling them but I don't think they would have had the time) This follows last year where I lost my Grandad on my mums side - and its the same emotions really. I first I felt almost... blank? To the whole thing, but the more and more it sets in the more and more I get really upset about it. My uncle's a father of 4, been a massive part of my life and even help raised me when he lived so close together, and then in an instant everything changes.

I've considered talking to a therapist or something, but I don't know. I usually have quite a bad internal stigma around therapists as I fear they might try and place a very general approach to my issues, and at the end of the day it's just a job for them.
I've dealt with insomnia in the past too. I had it when I had a relationship breakdown a number of years ago, no matter how tired I got I simply could not fall asleep as I felt like my skin was crawling. I'm trying to distract myself as best I can by reading or watching stuff on youtube or whatever, but even when my partner is round I can stand the feeling of laying down doing nothing trying to get to sleep, I feel utterly restless and anxious.

I guess what I'm asking for is any advice on how I met be able to take my mind off of things for a while and try to get some sleep. I've already been given some generous time off from work from it but I'll have to go back eventually - that and I've got exams coming up for Uni just pile on the pressure.

What do I do?
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Jun 9, 2018
I didn't want to die.
death is an inevitable and unavoidable part of life. accepting it and not expecting anything after it is the first step in guaranteeing that you can enjoy life to its fullest extent without worrying about something out of your control. live in the present


GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
death is an inevitable and unavoidable part of life. accepting it and not expecting anything after it is the first step in guaranteeing that you can enjoy life to its fullest extent without worrying about something out of your control. live in the present
I know, it was more just the shift from "I want to die" to "I don't want to die". I'll probably get to the point of accepting it in the future, but for now I'm happy wanting to live.

I never really like opening up too much in threads or online (or frankly in general) but I've had a couple of sleepless nights recently and I wanted to get something off my chest, or maybe just share something going on in my life.

Last Friday evening my uncle (on my dads side) had a heart attack. I have an unusually close family as we've always lived within a couple of miles of each other and at one point my uncle and his family were my neighbours. As of today, he is currently in ICU and has shown little signs of improvement. He is now under a do not resuscitate order - I'm frankly worried sick and after having phone calls with my dad (I live nearly 100 miles away for studies), I can tell by his voice that this isn't good. My dad isn't want for emotions really, but I can tell by his voice that he is worried as well.

I'm really struggling to sleep at the moment. I don't know when I might get that call that something bad has happened. I hope the next call I get is good news, that he's shown signs of improvement, but as of yet, nothing. I messaged my aunt (my uncles wife) over the weekend to send my well wishes (I did consider calling them but I don't think they would have had the time) This follows last year where I lost my Grandad on my mums side - and its the same emotions really. I first I felt almost... blank? To the whole thing, but the more and more it sets in the more and more I get really upset about it. My uncle's a father of 4, been a massive part of my life and even help raised me when he lived so close together, and then in an instant everything changes.

I've considered talking to a therapist or something, but I don't know. I usually have quite a bad internal stigma around therapists as I fear they might try and place a very general approach to my issues, and at the end of the day it's just a job for them.
I've dealt with insomnia in the past too. I had it when I had a relationship breakdown a number of years ago, no matter how tired I got I simply could not fall asleep as I felt like my skin was crawling. I'm trying to distract myself as best I can by reading or watching stuff on youtube or whatever, but even when my partner is round I can stand the feeling of laying down doing nothing trying to get to sleep, I feel utterly restless and anxious.

I guess what I'm asking for is any advice on how I met be able to take my mind off of things for a while and try to get some sleep. I've already been given some generous time off from work from it but I'll have to go back eventually - that and I've got exams coming up for Uni just pile on the pressure.

What do I do?
First of all, my sincere condolences - I hope your uncle recovers fully soon and that everything gets back to normal.

Therapy can help for some, and the type of therapy also matters a lot - some you'll find more useful than others in my experience. I know you're worried the therapist might just treat you like you're just patient #1001 but don't worry too much about it. I'd suggest looking into different therapies and seeing which sounds right for you, then look into therapists online and checking their reviews. That's typically the best way to avoid getting bad therapists, however if you're going through the NHS it's as you can expect a "you get what you're given" situation with a temporary councillor usually.

As for helping your mind relax, exercise can help, spending time with loved ones and friends, or even just going for walks helped me. For trying to sleep I use a free ASMR app called "Rain Rain", probably the best of the ones I've found, helps me not be in my own head while I'm trying to sleep.

Hope things get better soon.
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cool cat
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
I know, it was more just the shift from "I want to die" to "I don't want to die". I'll probably get to the point of accepting it in the future, but for now I'm happy wanting to live.

First of all, my sincere condolences - I hope your uncle recovers fully soon and that everything gets back to normal.

Therapy can help for some, and the type of therapy also matters a lot - some you'll find more useful than others in my experience. I know you're worried the therapist might just treat you like you're just patient #1001 but don't worry too much about it. I'd suggest looking into different therapies and seeing which sounds right for you, then look into therapists online and checking their reviews. That's typically the best way to avoid getting bad therapists, however if you're going through the NHS it's as you can expect a "you get what you're given" situation with a temporary councillor usually.

As for helping your mind relax, exercise can help, spending time with loved ones and friends, or even just going for walks helped me. For trying to sleep I use a free ASMR app called "Rain Rain", probably the best of the ones I've found, helps me not be in my own head while I'm trying to sleep.

Hope things get better soon.
We'll def check that out, thanks.
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