Eternal Light's Vortigaunt Application

May 6, 2016
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:46229603
Previous experience with Vortigaunt factions: The amount of experience I have with personally playing as a Vortigaunt is limited; but, with the time I've had throughout my role play timeline, I've done very well at portraying the essence of a Vortigaunt to myself and those I was role playing with at the time. And, more importantly to me, I really enjoyed it. Despite the fact I don't have a year's worth of Vortigaunt play time, that didn't stop me from playing a Vortigaunt in my head. I enjoy them that much- truly an interesting sub-set of role play.

Have you read the old Vortigaunt Guide?: Yes.

Character Name: Lees'Shaa (Roughly translates to "The Messenger")
What kind of character do you plan on portraying? How do their traits distinguish them from the rest of their species?:
As my backstory will coincide with how I role play with this character, this Vortigaunt will be one that is capable of "double speak" so-to-say. He will also possess qualities of leadership; not that he is exactly a leader, but he's someone that can handle organizing individuals and the grouping of his kin.

I'm sure this is to be expected, but I'm the type of role player who prefers figuring out my character along the way- this answer isn't conclusive.

How do you plan to play your vortigaunt with respect to the setting? That being very early on in the Combine's occupation of Earth:
I think this question ties into the next one, but taking into accountant that the Vortigaunts, as a whole, have not been on Earth for a long time, I'd have to keep in mind that my character would be learning of a lot of new things. Humanity's history, technology, entertainment, personal drama, the different ways to traverse a space given certain circumstances, perhaps a change of intuition would be necessary to help my character survive compared to that of Xen. Finding their place on the New Earth would be an important mission as a species in order to try and solidfy their future intentions will humanity and the planet, having to coexist with them, and, overall, with the biota which made their way here during the portal storms- not to leave out the importance of fending off their own enemies.

How do you plan to interact with citizens and the other factions? Note that while Civil Protection is a new concept IC, you'd still be aware of their hostility towards your species:
With respect to the timeline, my Vortigaunt is going to be very wary, at least in the beginning, about trusting. With knowledge passed through the Vortessence, you'd be able to know that across the world not everyone was hostile towards them, but also I'm sure many Vortigaunts were killed by humans whether enslaved by the Nihillanth or not. So, taking that into consideration, my Vortigaunt cannot be certain about the intentions of humanity, as they do not act as one like the Vortigaunts practically do. But, it's also important for a Vortigaunt to remember who freed them from the Nihillanth in the first place; that warrants a fair chance of personal character evaluation for humans.

Regarding the Combine and Civil Protection, Civil Protection is known to be just another wing of the Combine, so I wouldn't doubt the requirement for near immediate aggression if coming face to face with them. Not to mention that the Combine are reenslaving the Vortigaunts, draining them, and killing them. And, with the help of the event teams, I would certainly enjoy how they want to pull the Vortigaunt story along so early on in the timeline.

Brief Backstory:
Apart from the usual life of the Vortigaunts on their homeworld up until the Invasion of the Combine, the only thing that sticks out in that portion of Lees'Shaa's life was the skills he was able to train himself with the Vortessence. (See the question below)

In the homeworld, Lees'Shaa had a different name, one which was given at the start of his existence, one that isn't important enough to mention, as his new name is his name now. As it translates, The Messenger received this name, or better-yet this title, from the type of work he had done on Xen. The Nihillanth believed that Lees'Shaa's organizational and public speaking traits better fit someone who gave instructions and messages. But why would the Nihillanth want someone to do this instead of ruling with an iron fist? Given some thought, it decided to try and see if messages given by the Vortigaunts' own would influence them in a positive way so that they'd be more willing to willfully follow it. Perhaps a positive and familiar hierarchal environment to work in could produce greater benefit to the Nihillanth in the long run. Some Vortigaunts already enjoyed being under the Nihillanth's rule, but others personally believed that they were just a footstool for it and wanted their liberation, such as they had in their homeworld. There're always those who hold onto the past whether for good or bad afterall.

And so, with his path placed in front of him, Lees'Shaa began working in such arrangements. Working alongside the alien grunts and the drones didn't bode well for many of the Vortigaunts, but that was until Lees'Shaa expressed in their inter-connected vortal minds that these "good words" he was made to speak were not things he believed in; sort of like a visual way to see Lees'Shaa's emotions was shown to his kin as he paraded around in the pomp and circumstance of the messages he was required to provide to the rest of the Vortigaunts. The double-speak he gave wasn't welcome to the Vortigaunts who favored the Nihillanth, but to rat out their own was not a question to be considered. Survival was key to him, and so it was a job that was done to continue that; although, to an extent, there were some extra benefits to doing these tasks.

Time came and time went, things went the usual way they did. Yet, at some point, the presense of humans began to occur in their space. Scientists sent, supply stations made, Xenian wildlife and plantlife being taken for closer observation. And, eventually, came the portal storms. With the assistance of the Nihillanth, and messages which were propagated by Lees'Shaa himself, some workers and many warriors were sent over to conquer and divide the planet they gained access to. But, in perhaps a few days time, a one man came through and wrecked the place. We knew of this man in some way, a savior to behold, The Freeman. Most of us knew that the dictator's reign was nearing an end, and when that time fatefully came, Lees'Shaa was full of pride and honor to confidently announce the arrival of the Nihillanth's demise. As soon as possible, Lees'Shaa came to his usual place of deligation.
And with a great shout in Vortigese,
He said...
(Not exactly brief, sorry.)

Do you intend to request a power specific to your character? If so, specify (Keep in mind you cannot use this in S2K situations):
Due to the desire to want to provide aid to himself in times of need without help of kin, Lees'Shaa trained himself to be able to manipulate the presense of energy within a given area, being able to expand this area the more he practiced with it. But, at a basic level, he was able to remove the energy in the air to make it cold. Such a skill, at this level, allows him to "ice" a wound just as though he had a bag of ice sitting on his injury. And, in a more advanced way, he managed to replicate this effect within liquids, possessing the ability to turn water into ice, and, by reversing this ability, able to heat the surrounding air and effected liquids up to a given temperature. This was his speciality that he gave time over to hone, enough to have a teachable knowledge of this skill.

Another skill, which is somewhat related to the last one, Lees'Shaa learned to be able to spread electricity throughout water rather than blast it at someone in one fatal burst. This became very useful for hunting and even immobilizing enemies or to block off passage in waterways.

One more I'd like to request specific to my character is an "energy burst". As a byproduct to the training and understanding of manipulation of different types of energy, Lees'Shaa is able to transform Vortessence into kinetic energy. The use of this skill can create really hard punches, and if used in another way, can be used to literally push the target by transfering the kinetic energy over to their body through forceful contact.

Lastly, still on the idea of energy manipulation, I'd want to be able to amplify the sound waves that my Vortigaunt produces. This ability could be used to communicate verbally over longer distances, or it can be used to disorient someone by how loud I could make it.
(Feel free to reject any of these that you do not want me having.)

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