Recent content by A_slow_Turtle

  1. A_slow_Turtle

    A violin song that I've been looking for, for the past few years.

    I skimmed through all of them, and sadly no. Not the one I've been looking for a very long time...
  2. A_slow_Turtle

    A violin song that I've been looking for, for the past few years.

    This was so long ago, so I might be potentially wrong, but as far as I remember, there was only violin.
  3. A_slow_Turtle

    A violin song that I've been looking for, for the past few years.

    It was sad and depressing. High usage of light sad tones.
  4. A_slow_Turtle

    A violin song that I've been looking for, for the past few years.

    I created an account to this forum just to ask a question, a simple question from a desperate individual. I can't remember in what context I heard this violin piece at all, due to me hearing it a very, very long time ago, but one thing is for certain, I know I was on the server when I heard it...