Recent content by Bio Junior

  1. Bio Junior

    I'm coming for that decade!

    I'm coming for that decade!
  2. Bio Junior

    Serious Arma 3

  3. Bio Junior

    HEavy bro

    HEavy bro
  4. Bio Junior

    GTARP Screenshot Thread - Jay's Crack Addiction Edition

    I'm sadly not playing GTA at the moment, just wanted to know how the server was going. Appreciate the offer though!
  5. Bio Junior

    GTARP Screenshot Thread - Jay's Crack Addiction Edition

    What's going on with the server nowadays?
  6. Bio Junior

    Suggestion lower damage across the board from all guns

    I used the word argue in a good way, not the cunt type of way, I got no beef with you and it's always nice to have a discussion about something in a polite way, so I appreciate you for keeping it civil :D
  7. Bio Junior

    Suggestion lower damage across the board from all guns

    Means nothing unless you're already close by, most of the shots you take while sprinting barely hit, the weapons have bullet spread last I checked, even standing still sometimes the bullets don't land on the X. I've given my reasons as to why I don't like this suggestion and I'm against it, I...
  8. Bio Junior

    Suggestion lower damage across the board from all guns

    On this I agree with Pyro, old OTA had insane stats and that custom suit tanked like a mofo. But I also get what you mean. I know you're not suggesting that, but it feels like you're trying to put a safety net for people who want to do something dangerous without the usual consequences, "more...
  9. Bio Junior

    Suggestion lower damage across the board from all guns

    You want to reduce the damage of all weapons to have people be more risky? Doesn't that incite people to do otherwise dumb things and rush like they're in CSGO? That takes away the purpose of tactics. Don't agree with this, not one bit. There should be risk in a gunfight, if you're scared to get...
  10. Bio Junior

    [CCC] Combine Overwatch - Complaints, Compliments and Concerns.

    I do agree, perhaps we shouldn't go past the tunnel that leads there? Might be a better solution
  11. Bio Junior


    Ah yes, because I was going to stare at the OTA at the end of a tunnel, waiting to see if he had a gun or was performing, that's crazy bro. Touch grass
  12. Bio Junior


    Ah yes, you mean after OTAs and CPs were still camping D4 when I wanted to check my stash out, after sweeping the whole sewers and going into a secret base they shouldn't have access or knowledge to. Not to mention, I wasn't going to get captured like last time when 2 lone cops were walking...
  13. Bio Junior


    Also just to add to this, the weapons were spawned in (temporarily as myself and others said) and we weren't allowed to s2k, it was purely s2rp, so strong or not didn't have a factor in the fights.
  14. Bio Junior


    Guys don't panic, no one is keeping the AS VALs, they're gonna be traded in to the GTC to obtain more "normal" gear so we can give out to people, I think that's the best solution. If admins wish to intervene however, they can just remove them. I'm not stressed about it, nor are the other 2...