Recent content by Blu

  1. Blu

    Joe's 29-minute guarantee is a promise, man. I know to you, Parker, a promise means nothing, but...

    Joe's 29-minute guarantee is a promise, man. I know to you, Parker, a promise means nothing, but to me it's serious.
  2. Blu

    WW3RP PAC3

    There we go, I had no clue! Haha! Thanks man
  3. Blu

    WW3RP PAC3

    Had premium for around a week I believe, and I can't seem to use the PAC3 Editor. When I hold C and click it nothing happens, yet I can open player model and ZParachute fine. Any ideas?
  4. Blu


    Hey everyone, I'm Blu. I've been RPing in CW: HL2, WW3 and DarkRP (ha!) for about 5 years and have come back to Nebulous after quite a while of not being on the server. I decided to make a forum account just to keep up with everything and to hopefully apply for other IG roles in the future...