Recent content by CaptainOfSuspiciousBehavior

  1. CaptainOfSuspiciousBehavior


    I think you would do just fine with that, but I would do research and see what you prefer.
  2. CaptainOfSuspiciousBehavior


    Then you don't know what I am referring to. What I am referring to is some of the high quality car models made by LoneWolf or maps like EvoCity or Rockford for example.
  3. CaptainOfSuspiciousBehavior


    My RAM is fine. GMOD just has HQ texture issues in general, especially when you turn things up all the way. Native textures have no issues, however. You do know what examples I was referring to, correct?
  4. CaptainOfSuspiciousBehavior


    Though I want to add on despite any graphics card these days can handle GMOD. When it comes to running high quality textures, i.e. ones not natively working with the Source Engine like GMOD's does with using HL2's textures, you will most likely have issues. The high quality textures I'm...
  5. CaptainOfSuspiciousBehavior

    Official Cringe Thread

    Oh, but of course. What was I saying? After careful consideration, I actually like MATT OXX's musical composition now.
  6. CaptainOfSuspiciousBehavior

    Official Cringe Thread

    Firstly: Whoa, small child, Secondly, it's 'asshole'. If you're going to use second rate insults, get it right. And this 'MATT OX' wishes he was good and wasn't cancer. Which they use to hide their poor musical voice.
  7. CaptainOfSuspiciousBehavior

    Possible Issues with the forum.

    I attempted to upload a gif as a avatar and for some reason it told me it was too big in size even after I resized it down to 200 pixels by 200 pixels: Original source link...
  8. CaptainOfSuspiciousBehavior

    Official Cringe Thread

    Just because this kid is 'going somewhere', does not make it not cringey as fuck. Kanye West is very successful, but his ego makes him a cringe person, at least outwardly. And I'm sorry, once a rap video features fidget spinners and a 11 year old (now 12 year old) kid rapping about shit and...
  9. CaptainOfSuspiciousBehavior

    A quick question related to usernames.

    Do I ask on the forums or in a PM?
  10. CaptainOfSuspiciousBehavior

    Rate the song above

    Pretty good for rappers from across the ocean. Usually I'm not a fan of foreign rappers, but this was pretty good. Though there were some parts I did not care for. I'll give it 8.8/10. Bringing something different here: Brian Crain - Softness and Light from the album Piano And Light
  11. CaptainOfSuspiciousBehavior

    Rate the song above

    It sounded nice but eh, I thought it was okay. I'll be generous and give it a 6.5/10. Partially because of the bias I have against Tyler, given I dislike him. The other part being the content in a lot of his songs. Take that as you will, I make no apologies. I shall send the same song here, in...
  12. CaptainOfSuspiciousBehavior

    A quick question related to usernames.

    Are we allowed to have our usernames changed by a staff member if requested? If so, where?
  13. CaptainOfSuspiciousBehavior

    Official Cringe Thread

    Had to do the cancer cringe double whammy: I'll need Internet Chemo after watching these. Especially after the second video.
  14. CaptainOfSuspiciousBehavior

    So, about them oldfangled retro electronic contraptions.

    Well, I am slowly building my collection, as I'd rather not have to go into debt or take out a mortgage (*cough* Earthbound *cough* Little Sampson *cough* and other obscure and rare titles *cough*), know what I mean? I may check out your first suggestion, and second. I have played the third...