Recent content by cool_man523

  1. cool_man523

    i guess im gonna show up for a bit now

    i guess im gonna show up for a bit now
  2. cool_man523

    what am i doing here

    <title here>, oh yeah, i remember now! identity crisis. Hello, it's me, the Vsauce guy. Remember me from last year? No? Good, that's probably the right reaction! Allow me to introduce myself. I am one cool_man523, normally just called coolman or whatever. I come from another community that im...
  3. cool_man523


    i know you
  4. cool_man523


  5. cool_man523


    No :b:ations, :b:ation machine broke
  6. cool_man523

    where does your forum/steam name come from?

    cool_man523 was my minecraft username from when I was 9. I had to make it in like 5 seconds. I'm too lazy to think of another one.
  7. cool_man523

    Post a picture of yourself

    Every zit is a person I've had to deal with on scg. Jk para will kill me please hide me somewhere
  8. cool_man523


  9. cool_man523

    Post a picture of yourself

    Religion tells me I have to post my face in everyone of these threads. Here's me looking classy.
  10. cool_man523


  11. cool_man523

    So I guess I'm here now. How wonderful.

    So I guess I'm here now. How wonderful.
  12. cool_man523


    Hello, my name is cool_man523. I come from SCG, where I am an administrator on their CMRP server. Currently, we are going through some down time, and some of our players have decided to flock here for Roleplay. It may seem surprising that I've made it to administrator on such a semi-large...
  13. cool_man523

    Thank you!

    Thank you!