el malman

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  • Where's Greg these days
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    el malman
    el malman
    in a better place i hope
    i hope to come around making a true story of his life
    something shotable and interesting with a spark originality in it
    that might have to wait a few years, 'til i graduate at least
    And how we miss him so.
    el malman
    el malman
    who knows what the future holds
    if i get some time, the right pc setup and the server holds my interest, i'll give hl2rp a shot
    probably not as a citizen mind you, i can already feel bored and walk in circles without an internet connection
    c'est impossible échapper le jeu de rôle
    I should be proud that I don't need a translator to know what that means.

    I shouldn't be proud because of what it means.
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