Recent content by Hopper

  1. Hopper

    Switched from high speed internet to patchy service and 100kb/s download speed at peak hours...

    Switched from high speed internet to patchy service and 100kb/s download speed at peak hours. Truly, an exciting time.
  2. Hopper

    Contemplating the viability of cola powered spaceflight

    Contemplating the viability of cola powered spaceflight
  3. Hopper

    News WW3RP: Stasiland | 14-03-2020

    Just came back to this forum for the first time in like 2 years. is this a sign I should start playing again?
  4. Hopper

    What's your favorite color, everyone!

    Mine is blue because it's blue. Also, did you know that the average human being is the average human being is the average human being is the average human being?
  5. Hopper

    Warning: This post contains LemonPunch memes and bad physgun poses

    So are you getting at the fact that my PC is shit, or that I forgot to turn off cl_showfps?' Or that I did this pose on de_nuke?
  6. Hopper

    Dee found my boxing jars thread. Hi, Dee.

    Dee found my boxing jars thread. Hi, Dee.
  7. Hopper

    Just took a stupid imgur survey. All the sexes they listed were normie sexes so I said I...

    Just took a stupid imgur survey. All the sexes they listed were normie sexes so I said I sexually identify as a toaster.
  8. Hopper

    Dunkle looks like Otacon. Not even joking. Hi, @Redd
  9. Hopper

    Warning: This post contains LemonPunch memes and bad physgun poses

    This meme is pretty obscure and I made some old poses a while back. I decided to redo them for no particular reason.
  10. Hopper

    My first character bio, holy shit.

    My first character bio, holy shit.
  11. Hopper

    2 screenshots that don't even show the notepads/paper. They were accidental screenshots while I...

    2 screenshots that don't even show the notepads/paper. They were accidental screenshots while I was typing. Haven't uploaded them or anything. Honestly, only myself and one person who took the time to read the stuff, and got the joke posted on it. GG, me.
  12. Hopper

    Never have I felt such great shame and such great pride at the same time.

    Never have I felt such great shame and such great pride at the same time.
  13. Hopper

    Just got banned for 24h for recreating 4-chan on the RDC wall.

    Just got banned for 24h for recreating 4-chan on the RDC wall.