Recent content by Kiroh

  1. Kiroh

    [FLASH GAME] Gurrazor's road to 16k

    Please do explain?
  2. Kiroh

    [FLASH GAME] Gurrazor's road to 16k

    Fruity, This game is the best i've ever played and it deserves a spot on steam.
  3. Kiroh

    [FLASH GAME] Gurrazor's road to 16k

    Its gone?? File gone??
  4. Kiroh

    A World of Warcraft Guild for Nebulous

    Yeah, or in a meme/joke thread Well, I do not know how to delete this, so i will let that honor go to the staff team ;)
  5. Kiroh

    A World of Warcraft Guild for Nebulous

    Its a suggestion, and eh i dont know to be honest. Would you like a cup of tea?
  6. Kiroh

    A World of Warcraft Guild for Nebulous

    The title says it all. Its not really a serious suggestion, but it could be fun.
  7. Kiroh


  8. Kiroh


  9. Kiroh


  10. Kiroh

    lets all try to communicate using: Hi, or greetings or how are you and such instead of f*** me...

    lets all try to communicate using: Hi, or greetings or how are you and such instead of f*** me daddy! aaaaah.
  11. Kiroh

    Having a bad day? Read this!

    You wanna fight?
  12. Kiroh

    Having a bad day? Read this!

    i just made your day a bit better, atleast more than Larom did.
  13. Kiroh

    Does anyone know this guy's story?

    i was just wondering about what his story was, but it didnt go the way i wanted. and now im stuck in CWU-M with AFK medics......
  14. Kiroh

    Does anyone know this guy's story?

    I dont really think he got a story but, I'll still ask. WHAT IS THIS GUY'S STORY? Why is he there? waiting for someone to pick him up or something?
  15. Kiroh

    What are your current favorite games?

    ESO, Gmod, Homefront: The Revolution. Total War: Warhammer. "Playing with bots on discord" And some more idk, you probably dont wanna know all of them either.