Recent content by Leadcolt

  1. Leadcolt

    Progress Update #4

    Makes for a good cover story doesn't it if a cop pulls you over.
  2. Leadcolt

    What are you listening to right now?

  3. Leadcolt

    What are you listening to right now?

  4. Leadcolt

    Progress Update #3

    yeah use the extra space to smuggle crack
  5. Leadcolt

    Progress Update #3

    The classic scam is thinking truck driving from one end of the map to the other is a good investment in money
  6. Leadcolt

    Cool names?

    Leadcolt gaming is a good name
  7. Leadcolt

    Xue Hua Piao Piao gamers

    Hello gamer I see you also like Xue Hua Piao Piao
  8. Leadcolt

    Have you learned from your sins my son.

    Have you learned from your sins my son.
  9. Leadcolt


  10. Leadcolt

    Planetside 2

    imagine having a LMG where you dont have to reload as Vanu, major yikes
  11. Leadcolt

    Planetside 2

    EEEwwww you're a purple spandex monkey wtf.
  12. Leadcolt

    shitpost thread - fuck blackquill

  13. Leadcolt

    Serious Post screenshots from other games!

    Picture from my old days when i actually used to play Rust (Contains an ass shot)
  14. Leadcolt

    Just little bored tbh need something to put my youtube watching hours into. This community still...

    Just little bored tbh need something to put my youtube watching hours into. This community still has some of the same braindead people i saw in 2016 and before but i'm just gunna /ignore all of them.
  15. Leadcolt

    Serious My experience with WW3 server

    No this was when we had Globalists and Coalition, was a little while a go.