Recent content by Lurondor

  1. Lurondor

    I'm high bruh...

    I'm high bruh...
  2. Lurondor

    Waiting for any of my applications to get reviewed.

    Waiting for any of my applications to get reviewed.
  3. Lurondor

    Houlaaaa... Tu t'embarque sur un terrain glissant mon ami

    Houlaaaa... Tu t'embarque sur un terrain glissant mon ami
  4. Lurondor

    Yes, that's funny

    Yes, that's funny
  5. Lurondor

    It's a-me !

    Greetings everyone! I'm Lurondor formerly known as PhanPhan, I was playing on this server ages ago but I'm back! I'm almost 20 (I lied about my age on my profile) I'm also a 3D Artist working for Pre-Fortress 2 and The Preservation Project. outside of that I'm a French model and I fucking love...
  6. Lurondor

    I'm doing stuff... I guess

    I'm doing stuff... I guess
  7. Lurondor

    Some weird errors on the Half-Life 2 Roleplay

    I never had these issues before... (I have the contents, CS:S, HL2:EP1, HL2:EP2)
  8. Lurondor

    Wesh :P

    Wesh :P