Recent content by Mandalore

  1. Mandalore

    The next Battlefield

    Just buggered as hell that "small" developers and publishers like CD Projekt Red have to take the creative and competitive leaps that EA, Activision and Ubisoft can actually afford with their gigantic coffers, which is why I'm even posting on this thread in the first place. I really could give...
  2. Mandalore

    The next Battlefield

    lol did you even read the rest of my comment. If valve was owned by greedy snobs who know nothing about the gaming industry then we most DEFINITELY would have advanced to something like Half-Life 6 right now. Good thing it's not.
  3. Mandalore

    The next Battlefield

    And that is exactly why I'm sitting here arguing that Battlefield 1 will be just as bad. The EA propaganda and hype they can raise with trailers will only do so much in the end when we sit there playing a single map and gamemode (like Hoth Walker Assault on Battlefront). EA has really become a...
  4. Mandalore

    The next Battlefield

    Oh so all the drama propo videos where the DICE developers say they played Battlefront 1 and 2 constantly and are honored to be selected to develop the next one were lies? Every single developer on DICE knew exactly what they needed to do to make a true Battlefront sequel but the EA jews said...
  5. Mandalore

    The next Battlefield

    Eh i'm a little confused as to why you're so aggressive. I am being skeptical and with respect to EAs previous blunders, the most recent ones being Battlefield Hardline and Battlefront (how the fuck can you fuck up something like Battlefront? They already had a game and a formula to follow but...
  6. Mandalore

    The next Battlefield

    eh EA and DICE said there would be 4 maps included in the game. they also mentioned "macrotransactions" as opposed to microtransactions because we all know microtransactions are bad but macro is good. So yeah there's another business strategy for you. more than likely they'll sell these DLC with...
  7. Mandalore

    The next Battlefield

    I mean I can't answer all of your posts simultaneously so I'll just go ahead and pose this very important question to determine which kind of a human being you are and thus conclude this conversation: Do you honestly believe Battlefield 1 is going to be worth paying 120 dollars for? You want to...
  8. Mandalore

    The next Battlefield

    prove me wrong plz. oh yeah right there were nazi zombies in that game sorry damn you sound flustered, triggered because literally everything I said is true?
  9. Mandalore

    The next Battlefield

    All I was saying is that it feels like a fucking rehash the same way black ops 3 is a rehash of Advanced warfare or world at war is a rehash of modern warfare 1 and the future infinite warfare is a rehash of every cod before it. Different themes, different time periods and different stories. But...
  10. Mandalore

    The next Battlefield

    Looks like a game conversion or some kind of reskin a bunch of modders could put together over the course of a year or two. Not worth 60 euros and definitely not fucking 110 euros which is what you're paying if you're getting premium as well. EA can eat a bowl of dicks.
  11. Mandalore

    Star Wars Schema

    What's your point? you're saying it's easy for clones to develop their own personality when your only perspective is that from an RP server where everyone obviously have to make their own characters with no limit imposed on how truly unique they can be. It's RP of course it's going to be "easy"...
  12. Mandalore

    Star Wars Schema

    According to books that are no longer cannon the clone legions only assisted Vader in hunting down the Jedi that survived the Purge before they were assigned to garrison Kamino and other menial tasks. They were replaced by enlisted and conscripted humans really quickly. In any case, who would...
  13. Mandalore

    Steam authentication

    Maybe he doesn't want us to see that he is playing Sakura swim club
  14. Mandalore

    The Elder Scrolls - Online [23rd June Summer Sale?]

    Do you still have to grind through the other 2 factions' zones to get to max level after you actually reach "max level"? I stopped paying because of that "Veteran rank" bull shit. Boring and tedious as fuck. PvP was the only good thing about it and it was utterly impossible to play because the...
  15. Mandalore

    DrPepper tries is luck in Facepunch

    I wonder if such a severe case of combined mental disorders would actually be slightly contagious. Like, what what would happen if you actually met this guy IRL. Could you recover from that event? I mean I would consider myself slightly desensitized but this guy would probably fuck me up even...