Recent content by Mangiyko

  1. Mangiyko

    Serious Could you still see yourself roleplaying in later life?

    Beautiful. I'll happily cut my teeth on PDFs! You're a gem. I'm a slut for physical books since I use my laptop to keep track of my notes and music at the table, but I can pick those up sometime later once I've familiarized myself with the mechanics.
  2. Mangiyko

    Serious Could you still see yourself roleplaying in later life?

    Oh, man. Nice! How do you think RED and 2020 measure up? The RED reviews I've seen run the gamut between love and hate. Cyberpunk 2020/Cyberpunk RED are 100% on my list of systems that I'll be using next. We're wrapping up a classic Forgotten Realms campaign right now, but I fully intend to...
  3. Mangiyko

    It needs more cowbell.

    It needs more cowbell.
  4. Mangiyko

    Something like five or six years, I think! My daughter is ten now. The fact that I'm soon to be...

    Something like five or six years, I think! My daughter is ten now. The fact that I'm soon to be the father of a teen makes me want to shrivel up and disappear. LOL I hope all has been well!
  5. Mangiyko

    u no I can't stay away from u, baby girl

    u no I can't stay away from u, baby girl
  6. Mangiyko

    Serious Could you still see yourself roleplaying in later life?

    For me, your first paragraph really hits the nail on the head. One of my favourite things about picking up a book from an author I haven't read before is experiencing a new writer's voice. Different diction/vocabulary/experiences that inspire them. All of these new things can help inform my own...
  7. Mangiyko

    All have gone underground. Mother Earth is hungry and wants for Vortigaunt flesh.

    All have gone underground. Mother Earth is hungry and wants for Vortigaunt flesh.
  8. Mangiyko

    Hope everyone's been having fun! Always come back and check in on storylines now and again. Love...

    Hope everyone's been having fun! Always come back and check in on storylines now and again. Love to see some of the stuff you guys come up with.
  9. Mangiyko

    By Grabthar's hammer...

    By Grabthar's hammer...
  10. Mangiyko

    Cashew and I were just talking about how we missed you and our buddies from Nebulous. Decided to...

    Cashew and I were just talking about how we missed you and our buddies from Nebulous. Decided to poke through the website and see what y'all troublemakers are up to. Am glad to see shit's still POPPIN'.
  11. Mangiyko

    I miss y'all's faces. Hope you lot are having fun with Dallas' event.

    I miss y'all's faces. Hope you lot are having fun with Dallas' event.
  12. Mangiyko

    !!! You precious people.

    !!! You precious people.
  13. Mangiyko

    general kenobi

    general kenobi
  14. Mangiyko


  15. Mangiyko

    Baby, come back.

    Baby, come back.