Recent content by Mezzy

  1. Mezzy


    Its been a long long time since I last was on WW3RP I only remembered like three people OOCly, cannot remember many characters ingame at all xD But if you remember me and we have met before, well met again :D
  2. Mezzy


    Thanks guys :D
  3. Mezzy


    Thanks Guys, I will have fun, Its hard to try and be in the right place at the right time for some big fun but, I'm all for Passive/Developing My Character and all :D
  4. Mezzy


    Hey Guys, Used to be on the WW3RP Server quite a long while ago but had to take a break, i checked out the old HL2RP back then a few times but couldn't get into it, but I've come back to give it another try and it seems to be going quite well, i've been having more fun and getting more into it...