Recent content by Nitrogenetic

  1. Nitrogenetic

    What's your theme song?

    I wondered when I’d find that
  2. Nitrogenetic

    Joke thread.

    Not until I’m finished with the franchise haha!
  3. Nitrogenetic

    what did you do for mothers day?

    I found a nice box of Ferrero Roche, and some smelly (as in fragrant) shower substance, she likes that sorta thing.
  4. Nitrogenetic

    Serious Beast from the East

    When the snow from the storm first arrived my local and I people thought it was interesting. Eventually it fit quite tedious sadly and it all turned to slippery, thick ice. Just when I thought the snow was over, it came along back again for one more day! Bloody hell, you’re right! That’s what...
  5. Nitrogenetic

    Your opinion on the young children playing Gmod and other online games

    Some younger children are capable of being mature enough, but the thing is there are many children who aren’t. It’s more a case-by-case basis, I’d say.
  6. Nitrogenetic

    What's your favorite internet search engine?

    Yeah that’s the stuff!
  7. Nitrogenetic

    That didn't take long. (Bye)

    Yeah, that’s the stuff!
  8. Nitrogenetic

    That didn't take long. (Bye)

    We actually have one right near us, in the United Kingdom! I never knew the rarity of them, huh.
  9. Nitrogenetic


    Just a result of me bungling two words up heh Thank you! I didn’t intend that to happen... Hello there
  10. Nitrogenetic


    Hey That was what I tried to avoid heh
  11. Nitrogenetic


    i think I posted this in the right area? Anyways hello lovely people of the internet! I have really enjoyed y time on servers of yours so yeah I’d lokw to say thanks. You got me into Gmod multiplayer and RP. Thanks! I created a forum account, but I’m nervous about posting hah.