Recent content by Rasko

  1. Rasko


    Is it wrong if I mistakengly typed "" in Google and laughed for 2 minutes straight
  2. Rasko

    Marc Laidlaw posts the plot of Episode 3 online

    That's some quality material right here
  3. Rasko

    Please delete that thread

    I wish so much that I was there when you posted it, the mods could just tell us that we're not allowed to post the lore instead of silently deleting messages
  4. Rasko

    Please delete that thread

    Your last post ? (What was it ?)
  5. Rasko

    Please delete that thread

    So ... You have it ?
  6. Rasko

    Please delete that thread

    Nah, I want toget some stuff, translate most of it and make kind of a sequel about it, idk if you can call this cheating And it'll be super usefull, really.
  7. Rasko

    Please delete that thread

    I don't want to make any FT:RP Server, I need the lore for a school project, and I know nothing about ClockWork to be fair.
  8. Rasko

    Please delete that thread

    Nothing else to add.