Recent content by Suicide

  1. Suicide

    Joke thread.

    what do you call a mexican with three eyes? eye-eye-eye
  2. Suicide

    where does your forum/steam name come from?

    I chose this name because I thought I would unintentionally hear my name on different servers For example:"I'm about to fucking suicide." Just so I can respond with something like:"Lol take me out to dinner first xddd." And it's also funny in rust for instance when I kill myself:"Suicide...
  3. Suicide

    Post a picture of yourself

    I am insecure help
  4. Suicide


  5. Suicide


  6. Suicide

    maybe why

    maybe why
  7. Suicide

    i have 87 shekels (24 usd) what game should i get

    get rust if you like to rage so hard you want to put your dick inside a glass bottle then slam it against the wall
  8. Suicide

    Gorillaz dropped a new song

    Being more of a trap person I'm surprised how much I like this. Thanks for showing me it.
  9. Suicide

    Today I cooked my first thing ever, I made a pizza. It looks like shit but it sure as hell feeds...

    Today I cooked my first thing ever, I made a pizza. It looks like shit but it sure as hell feeds my self-esteem, as well as myself
  10. Suicide

    Next Call of Duty.

    After BF1 fucked them pretty hard this year I wondered they'd try this now We'll wait and see, but like everyone else there's barely any hope for COD left in me
  11. Suicide

    Games With Feels

    Ending of Outlast is pretty grim Fucking telltale's The Walking Dead had me cry at some points Oh and Rust, when you lose all your shit to naked men with rocks You know what I'm talking about if you've ever played that fuckfest
  12. Suicide

    Favourite Video Games!

    Rust Fallout 3;4 Skyrim The Borderlands Games GTA V
  13. Suicide

    Outlast 2

    Will invite some friends over to play it after it launches Will be a fucking blast can't wait
  14. Suicide

    HL2RP Map

    i17 is like home to me please don't take it away
  15. Suicide

    Hello my friend let's go mug cunts for gun yes??

    Hello my friend let's go mug cunts for gun yes??