Recent content by Veloxic

  1. Veloxic

    How to fight the Combine

    Say you had some radioactive material, like a lump of Polonium (Somehow). Dirty Bombs are an option but what's the best way to use one to actually fuck with them rather than to hurt civies in the process?
  2. Veloxic

    How to fight the Combine

    Are there any further guerilla ways of screwing them up b e s i d e s mugging?
  3. Veloxic

    How to fight the Combine

    Hey, had a question regarding information I wanna know. What are the best, most efficient ways to fight the Combine / Metrocops? I know mugging is a thing, but is there anything small but specific that could fuck with them?
  4. Veloxic


    Downloading a modpack is as simple as typing its name and pressing install, dude..
  5. Veloxic


    Pocket dims are usually banned in Tekkit servers due to just that.
  6. Veloxic

    Xen Creature Whitelist?

  7. Veloxic

    Xen Creature Whitelist?

    Of course it would be heavily restricted but I think there's a current problem whitelist wise with a few factions. CWU has gotten awfully dull and repetitive with a lack of true leadership, Rebelrp itself is so extensively difficult to get anywhere in [due to the numerous xenophobic factions...
  8. Veloxic

    Xen Creature Whitelist?

    Just a quick discussion, Vortigaunts, Headcrabs and Zombie whitelists exist - why don't other Xen creatures? It would be fucking great to RP as a Houndeye or a Bullsquid as an official whitelist, albeit rare. If you've ever taken a good look at HL1 AI there's actually a lot of life to them, a...
  9. Veloxic

    Time to say hello.

    Skorri. New name I've never seen, noice welcome.
  10. Veloxic

    what should my new name be

    Names are always the hardes
  11. Veloxic

    The Division 2

    I fuckin loved Division 1, honestly. Everyone thought it was a let down but it wasn't, just a different experience.
  12. Veloxic


    Holy shit I just got back into technic i wanna do this
  13. Veloxic

    Left 4 Dead 2 Game night

    No chinamen? Damn
  14. Veloxic

    Ohhh. Alright, forgot about that. It has been over a month heh

    Ohhh. Alright, forgot about that. It has been over a month heh