
cool cat
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016

Verax Nuntium

Edition 1 - A Sorry State:
We find ourselves at war with the truth.

Over the last few months, we've seen a drastic change to our livelihoods and to our world. Foreign threats of an extraterstrial nature ravage our communities with power beyond our understanding. Man sells their soul for mere pittance of sustenance. The ugly face of humanity once again bares it's fangs as brothers torture brothers. We live in uncertain times all caused by our opressors, who's face we do not see, who's voice we do not hear - but who's shells and bullets we feel with each bitter trigger pull.

Never before have we seen such an abandonment of human nature as we see now with our 'camouflaged colleagues', who for nothing more than their own self-preservation serve these nameless dictators in keeping what they assume to be their version of peace - worse still are the anonymous - white-masks to cover their shame, patrolling our streets the swagger of a ghetto punk ready to inflict pain onto any who look in the wrong direction.

This is not natural. This is not human nature.

We exist in a time of unparalled travesties. Our governments abandoned and desecrated, our militaries dominated and consumed, our families ripped from our arms, children still bawling for their mother as they perish to an unknown fate.

Humanity has stared terror in the face before, why would it not do it again? In each of us even still, a spark of hope exists that there may yet be a reprieve to this. The final judgement of all mankind. Our actions and our words both working in unison to determine our fates, the gateway to heaven open to those who would only reach out and claim it. Your choices, fellow man, will determine the preservation of our race and of our planet.

We do not lie down now and surrender. It is incohesive with our very nature. We fight, we resist. Silently, progressively, tacitically. In time, more will be discovered. Truth will prevail. This paper acts as a bastion for free speech and the discovery of truth, even in our darkness time. Do not lose faith, keep up the good fight. Spread the word. We will not vanish.


All opinons expressed in this article are the collective thoughts of all mankind, with its purpose intended to report on the facts as and when they happen, to restrict the propoganda machine of the combine opression force from dominating an entire race. If you have any complaints about this or any other article in this paper, please deliver them in writing to the nearest infected necrotic creature for an instant response to those who would divert the hunt for truth.


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cool cat
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
Edition 1 Article A - The Lunge for Wealth:

We've seen over the past few weeks small businesses setup around the combine-controlled plaza, in wooden shacks with half-tilted walls and shattered windows. These hovels host a wide variety of consumer goods, to food and clothing, to less conventional medical treatment and even a haircut. It is expected that even now those who subscribed to the old-world capitalist dogma of wealth generation and 'pulling themselves up by the bootstrap' are trying to take advantage of their new found lot in life by commercializing our opression for their own material gains.

This is not to be frowned upon.

We cannot expect those who linger in this hellhole of a town to suffer in poverty with little to no purpose expect scowling the streets looking for light conversation under the noses of the ever present force that seeks to dictate our words. In fact, it is right and proper that people make use of the facilities available to them under this new regime to appropriately expand their network of colleagues and their own tangible resources to better serve the cause of, in future, a viable push back to the demand of our conquerers.

The message then, is thus - play along with this false concept of economy and use it as a means to help your neighbour, whilst ultimately remembering the common, shared goal of humanity. Never divert off the path of what is required of us as a species.

Better yet - take initiative. Resources will soon become scarce as there hasn't been the slightest hint or any suggestion those who control us wish to keep us around for any longer than required. When the day comes that our usefulness, or more specifically, the usefulness of our planets ecosystem, because null, a war of attrition will commence between ourselves, and even if the false currency, as pathetic as it is, represents a world ruled by alien masterminds, it is right that we all exploit the means to supplies to prepare ourselves for the struggle ahead.

Support your local business - but do not enable the greedy to live a lifetime of loyalty.


All opinons expressed in this article are the collective thoughts of all mankind, with its purpose intended to report on the facts as and when they happen, to restrict the propoganda machine of the combine opression force from dominating an entire race. If you have any complaints about this or any other article in this paper, please deliver them in writing to the nearest infected necrotic creature for an instant response to those who would divert the hunt for truth.

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cool cat
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
Edition 1 Article B - The Cleanup Crew - Modern Thriftsman Hire Workers For Pittance
** A rudimentary sketch of two men gowned in white attire heads this article**

Cleanup has begun in the city as locals complain about poor work rewards for hard labour. Two men known as 'Weiland' and 'Dutch' have seem to have been tasked with the clearance of debris following the invasion of the last year. Of course, instead of engaging with any meaningful labour themselves, these men seek to exploit the bordome of passers-by, subjecting them to harsh working conditions, throwing them a hammer and telling them to "get going", all while under the watchful protection of the faceless.

For a mere 100 tokens, these men slave out locals to do their dirty work as the occupation force seeks to make use of this crumbled city. Who knows designs they have for us? What horrors await once the completion of this clean up is done.

We can only hope that our invaders have less destructive plans for us, as compared to that which was demonstrated in the now infamous 7-hour war.

All opinons expressed in this article are the collective thoughts of all mankind, with its purpose intended to report on the facts as and when they happen, to restrict the propoganda machine of the combine opression force from dominating an entire race. If you have any complaints about this or any other article in this paper, please deliver them in writing to the nearest infected necrotic creature for an instant response to those who would divert the hunt for truth.

@Anti-tankspy @SmoothAsMilk


cool cat
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016


MURDER adorned the streets today as yet another innocent victim was flattened by the feral beings known only as 'striders' as they stepped out a local butchery shop. The blood of innocents painting the pavement in another shock attack on the helpless. Witnesses were left shocked and appaled as the helpless man was impaled for simply strolling the streets, another act of disregard to our safety from the alien invaders.

This may yet prove to be a prelude for things to come. How many more lives will be taken before we can safely come to a conclusion on who is behind it all? Those in attendance as the man was being put to rest undoubtedly questions who it is that controls these creatures. Who in their right mind would allow such brutality to occur in full view of everyone?

Those who are guilty of this heinous transgression will in time, be brought to justice. For now, watch the skies for the threat of instant impalement.

This is an exclusive story with more updates to follow.

All opinons expressed in this article are the collective thoughts of all mankind, with its purpose intended to report on the facts as and when they happen, to restrict the propoganda machine of the combine opression force from dominating an entire race. If you have any complaints about this or any other article in this paper, please deliver them in writing to the nearest infected necrotic creature for an instant response to those who would divert the hunt for truth.
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HL2 RP Senior Administrator
GTA RP Playtester
Jul 16, 2017


MURDER adorned the streets today as yet another innocent victim was flattened by the feral beings known only as 'striders' as they stepped out a local butchery shop. The blood of innocents painting the pavement in another shock attack on the helpless. Witnesses were left shocked and appaled as the helpless man was impaled for simply strolling the streets, another act of disregard to our safety from the alien invaders.

This may yet prove to be a prelude for things to come. How many more lives will be taken before we can safely come to a conclusion on who is behind it all? Those in attendance as the man was being put to rest undoubtedly questions who it is that controls these creatures. Who in their right mind would allow such brutality to occur in full view of everyone?

Those who are guilty of this heinous transgression will in time, be brought to justice. For now, watch the skies for the threat of instant impalement.

This is an exclusive story with more updates to follow.

All opinons expressed in this article are the collective thoughts of all mankind, with its purpose intended to report on the facts as and when they happen, to restrict the propoganda machine of the combine opression force from dominating an entire race. If you have any complaints about this or any other article in this paper, please deliver them in writing to the nearest infected necrotic creature for an instant response to those who would divert the hunt for truth.
Hey it played the warning noise.
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