
Señor Jaggles
Señor Jaggles
I could've sent him more but I'm involved so

Rest of mods/HS can up his ban if they wish
Deleted member 28
I am. I’m also against giving specific individuals preferential treatment
who is getting these treatments?
Deleted member 28
I feel like most people would be banned for at least a few months after the 4th time they were banned for flaming, I think you are at least on your 8th now but you were banned for 2 days lmao

not to mention the fact that I was literally banned for 2 months after I pointed out the fact that alex deleted a bunch of dumb ratings off of one of his posts. I had no prior warns or bans before that either
Señor Jaggles
Señor Jaggles
2 in the past 3 years, same as you Pootis. Plenty of the others are not just flaming but shitposting and similar. You also have been let go more than once and you know that very well you've not had a perfect attitude in Current Affairs either. Just because you write longer posts it doesn't mean insulting people in them is somehow more correct.
Deleted member 28
So if we both have 2 bans in the past 3 years, why is my first ban worth 2 months and his second ban worth 2 days? I was banned for shitposting (which could be applied to half the posts on this forum) and he was banned for flaming which is quite literally all that he does. I'm not sure if I'm missing something here but this doesn't seem at all to be very consistent
Señor Jaggles
Señor Jaggles
Yeah indeed it's not very consistent, for instance, right about now, I'm regretting every time you didn't get a cooldown for insulting others. Maybe we do need that consistency, seeing he got his cooldowns and you didn't.
Deleted member 28
Okay, make sure you also give cooldowns to the people who started insulting me first. You're still avoiding the fact that my ban was 30x longer than his for some reason