
kicking more than I ever was, how are you?
Not too bad, I'm doing university now. I've been feeling kinda nostalgic about the LP days so I've been looking around for HL2RP servers that aren't dead. Speaking of which, I hope it's not an issue if I ask you to jog my memory. It's been at least 7 years so things have gotten a bit hazy. You were the one with which I went on all those adventures with my character James McLee, right?
I'll be honest friend I don't remember much from LP/early neb, but the name is very familiar yeh, can't place a finger on it though

what have you been studying in uni? Been stressful?
I think we were mostly just two civvies running around up to no good, trying to figure out a way to get to the coast. I think I got there with that character, but I can't remember if you came with me.
I'm in my third year of doing creative writing. The last couple years of it have ramped up quite a bit and gotten somewhat stressful.
That's another reason why I think it would be cool to get back into HL2RP cause I do more of the developmental side and write lore. I've also learned how to use Hammer editor so I have that to offer as well.