
hypocritical that you think it's hilarious i'm still going when you're doing it yourself, buddy
ruben slikk
ruben slikk
lmao u wild, wyd tho
blackquill you literally have 0 reason to hop on other then wanting to poke ur nose into more places we don't sit and insult ppl all day we laugh and tell jokes

roosebud you tell us to stop being asshats yet u are a reason of why this is happening in the first place, if u didnt let dumb shit happen on the server ur responsible for then issues wouldn't arise
With the 'dumb shit' being removing a considerable amount of toxicity, drama and the cause of more than a few resignations?

I find it rather ironic that you continue to ignore your own behaviour while a considerable amount of people actually commented on how the server has improved after the 'wipe'
Alright. First of all mpower. Let's face the actual facts and truth, this whole time, I've been trying to refrain myself from posting much. But your definition of facts and truth is so bullshit that really. I'm surprised you call me the dumb one. Second of all, I've not insulted you /once/ behind the back, I only insulted your decisions.
the fact that you're not even admitting to the fact that /you/ actively refused to answer my question, and every question we asked. /Why have we NEVER had anyone send the complainer to US to talk it OUT, why haven't the lead informed us of any complaints./. This is the question that was asked 8 TIMES in the convo.
And not you, nor angel have answered it. I've asked you about it, and the only thing you ever told me, was to go to Roosebud and Charley about the complaints. But neither of them, told me anything? The only time you told me ONE complaint, was about Delta Force being 'too independent and against the faction', which, I'm going to say it, that I told you in steam.
Delta Force was /NOT/ against the faction OOC'ly, nor IC'ly. AT ALL. You dealt with IC things, that should have been dealt with IC, through OOC means. I don't like you dropping the blame card on me.
Throughout my co-lead life, me and dieb have been the nicest to everyone, I wanted to reach a better solution, alas, it wasn't given apart from the 2 days to make reforms that we didn't start yet.
I don't like it how you pulled the complaint card on us in the removal meeting, and how you didn't bother to talk to us about things before removing, it could have been resolved without this whole drama, but you wanted to do everything the same day.
And I dislike that mpower, I dislike being lied to like that. Most of the issues could have been fixed if you took initiative instead of choosing to remove right off the bat, it could have been solved during the following weeks by keeping close talks.
To finish this, neither me, or my SF started this. You and Angel's action started this, we never wanted this kind of drama response, it was the people around us reactions. I'm also really sorry that there was also bullshit reasoning behind SF detainment orders, which prompted this whole thing to escalate even further beyond what had to happen.
I highly doubt that people agree the server has improved because SF in no way impacted the whole server, it's also funny that we didn't do anything pre-wipe either for like a week but got wiped anyway despite making "progress". Nothing improved if we were doing as good as we were asked to do, nice try though.
roosebud the dumb shit im talking about is letting irresponsible people get to the positions they are at now, giving them free reign to make idiotic choices (blacklisting members of branches for doing nothing that broke rules) and a large number of resignations which followed due to who you let manage factions and branches
when you destroy your sf, replace it with horrible s2kers and then resign
it'll all cool down tomorrow
Déjà vu
aianinja we might have strong disagreements and problems with mpower but everybody can agree that you were a massive idiot

ur comments are not funny or useful and really just make people hold less of a opinion about you seeing as you just post random shit left right and center in a mad desperate bid for attention
ruben slikk
ruben slikk
couldnt care less about the s2k skill of the new SF the problem is that they are starting to have the exact same "problems" we were removed from
when ur 'new and improved' sf say themselves that they have the same issues old sf was wiped for u know that u changed nothing good