Suggestion 100 Endurance for all factions

Sep 25, 2021
Suggestion: Give every character 100 Endurance by default
Why it would be worth adding:
I find it odd that new characters run out of breath faster than others. From an in-character perspective, if your character has been around as long as others, why should a stat limit you? I believe all characters should have equal endurance, regardless of when they were created. I'm not discussing other stats; they either have an extremely low climb rate or offer minimal advantage.
Necessary content:
Dev work, maybe?


the Scourge of Roleplay
Aug 5, 2018
From an in-character perspective, if your character has been around as long as others, why should a stat limit you?
From an out of character perspective, do you not think it stands to reason that a character which OOCly existed for longer, has accrued more playtime, and, assumingly, more character development, should have an advantage over a character created five minutes ago?
The fact endurance disparities exist is the sole reason why chasing anyone and actually catching up with them is a possibility in the first place.

That's not to say I support the current attributes system, because the implementation of those has been quite lacking since the beginning of Nutscript Helix, truth be told.
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