A bounty notice catches your eye on the walls of Bucharest


Blue Ball
HL2 RP Server Director
GTA RP Playtester
Apr 26, 2016
You stop by the public noticeboard, a wall littered with posts by grieving families, protestors, journalists, and the like. You notice a new addition amongst the rabble, a bounty notice targeting the National Guard. You give it a read-over.


To all partisans in Bucharest and its surrounding

Adrian Simmons, a member of the Romanian
National Guard is hereby wanted DEAD on
account of war crimes, abuse of power, and
increasingly reckless actions that contradict
the mission of his own organisation.

This rogue soldier has been confirmed to have
orchestrated the attack in the city centre on
August 20th which resulted in the many deaths
and wounded of both combatants and innocents
whilst he remained tucked away within the walls
of the police department.

His execution has been ordered as it is in the
best interest of all parties within this conflict,
this is a necessary step towards peace within
our community.

The reward for his demise will be 5000 tokens.

Allow for public identification of Adrian
Simmon’s corpse. We will find you for your
Credit to @Ricsow for the IC photos at the bottom
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