A farewell


May 7, 2016

<:: Go active intercept! ::>


A bullet rips through L.As lung he'd swing his weapon around gunning down the first OTA- then the rest came, bullet after bullet. He finally collapsed, falling to his back, and looking up at the ceiling he sees the bright light of the fluorescent lamp, slowly overwhelming his senses. He'd white out, seeing nothing before a touch on his shoulder brings him back, A man wearing a finely pressed suit looks down at him- his CO from years past, smiling warmly at him

"John." stated helping him up to his feet- the pain was gone the room is gone, a white empty void in which they both stand an expanse of nothingness, Los Angeles, John. would look around confused at first before coming to terms with his end rather quickly.
"I died? Like that?" He'd turn back to his CO. with anger in his eyes, he couldn't be done- there was so much he had yet to do, but he let out a "Seriously?!" He'd shake his head walking off, his CO trailing behind him the clacks of their shoes hitting the marble-like floor, A room began to form around them, a movie theatre, displaying clips from his own life

He'd sit in the newly formed seat to watch, with a feeling of heartbreak He'd watch the footage play, a pointless conversation of which spice girl was hotter between Frankfurt and himself, John smirked and spoke

"He still talks about you, and regrets a lot of what we did in the service, but we tried redeeming ourselves, I don't want him living his life thinking he hasn't done enough, He deserves to be at peace."

The Commissioned Officer sat beside him and decided to stay quiet, the footage changed, A child couldn't be older than sixteen, shooting a gun perhaps too big for them, Frank and John pointing at a few bottles, training him

"Kim... I'll miss him the most, I never had kids before the war, but I think it'd feel like this. I always questioned myself, if I was doing the right thing and if teaching him to be a soldier was a wise choice, but my god he grew to be one helluva man, I pray he doesn't lose heart. I want him to grow old, marry and have kids of his own. The greatest reward of a father is to see your children grow up"

Next a slightly older boy, Cody, He'd be thin and frail clinging to life, Frank and John attempt to bring him back from the brink. Began to let out a few tears he'd chuckle a grin stuck on his face

"Cody... My prodigy, Taken from me too soon. I love him, more than anything. I regret failing him in his time of need, I will see him again?"

The suited man nodded he'd smile softly "He is waiting for you, but first, you must do this."

Next Azov, the ship Orsted's base at the time, a table surrounded by the cell leaders, Los Angeles, Warren Barr, Zhao Qiang, Harland

"The cell leader that started all of this, Barr is a jackass, but he cares about us really- He wants to make the world a better place. I hope he manages to fulfill his dream of owning a simple Barr, in a town that isn't ruined by the war. "

"Zhao, A true man, wise and humble, trustworthy and honest. I hope I was half the man he was. I hope he keeps doing what he is doing, never giving up on hope for a better tomorrow."

"Harland, we became close friends, I respected you when I first laid eyes on you. I could tell we wanted the same thing, World Peace. I hope you achieve your goals and a deadman's last wish"

A figure, the shape of a woman, nothing more but a silhouette radiating causing John to frown

"I wish we spoke more, your mind was something to behold, and my intellect dwarfed in comparison to you, your dedication and sheer will to work was something that first made me look your way, I never felt the need to work through my feelings because I always thought we'd have more time, I suppose I was wrong. Keep headstrong, work to rid this world of disease."

A grave, his grave where his body would lay to rest, rot and decay- Los Angeles looked to his CO stared, was it over?

"Can I keep watching? I want to see how it ends"

The man offered a nod and L.A turned to face the screen, the seats filling with others people the others who have died fighting this fight, millions and millions now tuned into the live stream of the world, Those who are gone rooting on for those who live.


May 7, 2016
Note: I'm sorry if I didn't mention you. if I did this page would go on for days. But everyone I played with left a small mark on my character, Which inturn has left a mark on my own heart, It was so much fun to play Los Angeles only because I got to play with all of you guys, I'm sad that it's over, but I've never been happier. I have made a bunch of friends playing him, and I thank los angeles for that.

@Numbers you gave me the chance to play him in the first place- it seems like yesterday we were speaking about the remote possibility of it hl2rp coming back. Thank you for approving 1st Platoon, Thank you for everything

@contained postal dude you are a really cool dude, RPing with deacon is was a fucking blast, and talking to you out of the game aswell was nice, giggling in discord and shit.

@deathwolf Fuck yeah man, we did some trollage, Harland is L.As real husband let the world KNOW, Honestly hl2rp2 has given me a chance to meet and interact with you and I am glad to call you a friend :D

@Ricsow You're based, playing gmod mini-games at like 10pm with the other games will become a core memory, you got a place in my heart now!

@Verräterpackaging Perhaps one of my best friends, we talk almost every day and I know this shit will hit you like a ton of bricks. I'm glad I met you years ago so we could do some based shit together today, I love you man.

@ so many more I can't even begin to name.

I love you all, from the bottom of my heart I have never been in a community that is accepting and open as this one and I think the reason I stick with neb no matter what is mainly because of all of you here (Cops mains included 😒😒😒😒) you're amazing. I can't wait to see you on my new character


professional retard
HL2 RP Administrator
Media Developer
May 10, 2018
It's so sad that Los Angeles commited suicide due to the Warren Barr haircut incident (do not research)

o7 to a real one 😔
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Narrative/Lore Management
Jun 15, 2016
i have no fucking idea how you did it but godspeed warrior youve slain me in honorable combat
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GTA RP Playtester
Aug 23, 2016
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