A note on the Town Noticeboard


HL2 RP Administrator
Jun 13, 2016


The Siberian Institute
We are the Siberian Institute, an organisation that wishes to kickstart the technological advancements that once halted in 2002. It is in our interest to secure old and newer technologies for the purposes of research and development, as well as safekeeping away from hostile actors that plague the remnants of the Old World.

We are looking for…

  • Individuals with engineering and scientific backgrounds. (We are desperate for someone with a background in aerodynamics.)
  • Individuals keen on adventure and reconnaissance.
  • Individuals that have experience in salvaging.
  • Individuals that have fluency in Combine scripture.
  • Items, equipment, or objects with technological value; the following are examples but are not limited to: radios, jammers, pre-occupation technology, combine technology, mechanical parts, and biological samples.
Due to our limited resources, our hospitality remains also limited. Henceforth, we cannot accept any vagrants that are unable to provide a service to the Siberian Institute. We apologise for any inconvenience as a result.

If you find yourself interested in participating in our mission or perhaps merely seek to contribute towards it. Our members of the organisation will be visiting the town at various points throughout the upcoming weeks to answer any concerns or questions regarding such matters.

We are looking forward to a fruitful future.

If you would like to be a part of the Siberian Institute prior to the map switch, with existing or new characters, feel free to send me a message. We have a variety of roles, and I am happy to consider some flexibility for some of these roles.

You can be a scientist who specialises in armaments, a security personnel that accompanies any expeditionary forces sent out into the unknown, or a scrapper that specialises in obtaining vital components from ruins and unknown artifacts. The list is endless, it is just a matter of asking about it and seeing whether we have a place for it within the group.
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