Suggestion Abolish Lone Scouts


HL2 RP Administrator
Jun 13, 2016
Suggestion: Communicating about the operations of the enemy while alone should constitute as lone wolfing and fall under PK-Risk.
Why it would be worth adding: There have been a handful of instances where a lone player took the risk of feeding information through the radio right after interacting with the Combine forces. If the frequency happens to be compromised or the player is simply caught transmitting said information - they are promptly killed for conspiracy. However, I find it somewhat underwhelming that the consequence for transmitting information in lonely circumstances merely yields an NLR for something that could potentially heavily alter the outcome of whether the patrol achieves its intended objectives and returns to base safely.

To be provide an example of what I am talking about. There was a player that was alone in the tent in the woods to which the Combine patrol stumbled upon by accident. As far as I am aware, the patrol simply let them be and moved on with their objective. The same player within the same minute proceeded to radio in about the presence of the patrol. Since the frequency happened to be compromised, the order to execute them was issued.

I think it is perfectly reasonable to consider the possibility of a PK-Risk in that circumstance, but I do want to hear what others have to say about it.
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Mar 12, 2018
the lonewolf rule is meant to exist so that players do not randomly go solo and fight in areas that are contested or under combine control. it is there to prevent lone players from engaging in offensive actions (firefights, et cetera).

reporting locations of combine is not per say an offensive action that is the type we try to prevent with the lonewolfing rule for pks. unless they begin a firefight with you while they are solo they aren't lonewolfing.

what you described is not really a lone scout it's just a guy saying there's cops because he encountered them. why should that pk worthy?

adding this adds a lot of vague clauses to the lonewolfing rule and will cause a lot of unnecessary pks, so i am heavily against it as I don't want to add loops for people to just use as excuses to kill people. vaugeness causes arguments and causes more clauses to be added, to the point where we have to have a lot of wording and declarations on one rule, and that's not something I want to add
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HL2 RP Administrator
Jun 13, 2016
the lonewolf rule is meant to exist so that players do not randomly go solo and fight in areas that are contested or under combine control. it is there to prevent lone players from engaging in offensive actions (firefights, et cetera).

reporting locations of combine is not per say an offensive action that is the type we try to prevent with the lonewolfing rule for pks. unless they begin a firefight with you while they are solo they aren't lonewolfing.

what you described is not really a lone scout it's just a guy saying there's cops because he encountered them. why should that pk worthy?

adding this adds a lot of vague clauses to the lonewolfing rule and will cause a lot of unnecessary pks, so i am heavily against it as I don't want to add loops for people to just use as excuses to kill people. vaugeness causes arguments and causes more clauses to be added, to the point where we have to have a lot of wording and declarations on one rule, and that's not something I want to add
Rephrase the rule or add it as a seperate clause to the ruleset. People should not be making decisions that put their character at a severe risk and run away scot-free, especially given the potential impact this source of information can have on the behaviour of players on the server.

As a matter of fact, I might as well nitpick the rule for the sake of discussion:
■ Death engaging as a lone-wolf. You are not forbidden from roaming “free”, however, this will mean you will be at PK risk if you decide to initiate hostilities against the enemy by your lonesome or act reckless against overwhelming odds.
By acting as an informant for the Resistance, you are actively plotting against the Combine, that is by definition conspiracy within the Operational Dossier. On this basis, this should be seen as a hostile act. When you happen to be all alone and a less than a minute away from the patrol that you decide to report and warn others about - that is a risky and a reckless act. You may not necessarily participate in the combat that may follow as a result of conveying said information, but you most certainly have become accessory of it.

A mere NLR in this instace should not suffice and a more severe penalty should apply, especially when such actors refuse to be captured and prefer to accept the NLR. The ruleset needs to change and stop favouring NLRs for reckless actions.
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the Scourge of Roleplay
Aug 5, 2018
I do think the fact somebody unarmed can just blatantly stand in the open or try to sneak around the Combine and continuously relay information with the only potential consequence being an NLR is a problem, though I'm not sure if a flat out immediate PK is the best solution

A temp PK comes to mind, perhaps?


Apr 30, 2016
I do think the fact somebody unarmed can just blatantly stand in the open or try to sneak around the Combine and continuously relay information with the only potential consequence being an NLR is a problem, though I'm not sure if a flat out immediate PK is the best solution

A temp PK comes to mind, perhaps?
Temp PK's would be annoying too, it's a hard thing to balance. I don't want people to get PK'd for being an informant. But I also don't want people doing it so blatantly. Perhaps a case of repeatedly doing it will constitute a form of PK (Similar to breaking NLR)?
Apr 26, 2016
As much as this scenario sucks
I think scrambling the person's comms is worthy in such case of operation ongoing, just force em to drop a radio, and mingepunch it with some high quality roleplay.

a better solution, i'd do it in that situation
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Jan 21, 2023
The root of the problem lies not within the lone scouts but in poor decisions on the cop side.
As far as I am aware, the patrol simply let them be and moved on with their objective.

This was the mistake of the patrol that enabled the player in question to relay information to his teammates. The patrol should be aware that they are in the middle of a warzone and that there will be enemies who pretend to be civilians. It very much happens in real life as well (shocker). Had the patrol put the effort in to at least search the player, maybe they wouldn't have had their position revealed on the rebel radio.
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