dead men tell no tales?


kilroy was here
May 1, 2016
p. 1 — 04/13/11

you ever know what it’s like to have a legacy?

yeah. me neither.

i guess the conventional wisdom is to start one of these things with your name, maybe a ‘dear diary’. but who’s ever gonna see it?

this is so stupid.

but in a way, that’s what this is, i think. what this is supposed to be. this is gonna be my legacy. it only cost me a crisp city 9 fiver and some change for the pen, too. cripes. that really doesn’t paint a flattering picture, does it?

damn it. let me start over. that’s the thing about pens. you screw up, you either scribble it out all nasty like or you turn the thing what you fucked up into something worth a damn. and brother, ain’t that the story of my life. not this, though. nah. this little book is all about lookin forward. the things i done are my business and that’s the end of it.

there’s a word for that i think. irony.

so. from the beginning. no ‘dear diary’ or none of that. hi. if you’re reading this, screw you, stop touching my stuff. but i guess if you found this at all, then i probably ain’t in much position to stop you. welcome to the show, chief.

this is my legacy.
you’re welcome.


kilroy was here
May 1, 2016
p.2 — 4/27/11

so much for keeping this daily i guess. oh well. not that i'd say there was much worth keeping anyway. get up, go to work, get pissed, go home. if i'm lucky i get to go a day without daniels harassing me on the way back.

i think we all know a daneil daniels though. that one person who like you'd definitely not regret pushing into traffic. even worse if theyre getting paid to do it. pretty sure daniels would pay someone ELSE for permission to get up in my ass tho if we're being totally honest. and like yeah okay sure whatever i get it but also come on brother let a guy breathe before you fuck him over again.

and dont get me wrong sure, i like it a bit mean sometimes, but theres a pretty fine distinction between a good time-plus-limp and having daniels fist up my ass. its like one of those brodbin brobda BRABDI really fucking big differences whatever the word is who cares nobody else is gonna read this thing anyway. unless you are. in which case, eh, not sorry for telling you that. a fella what's got game oughta rock it where he can yknow? especially these days. and brother do i have game

oh shit right i forgot why i was writing this.

saw a bird today. like an actual honest to dog bird. one of those nasty fuckers that look liked you just dumped a barrel of crude on em from the beak down. a raven or a crow or something. flew off after it saw me so at least i know i still exist. ... who am i kidding of COURSE i still exist, who else would smile back at me in the mirror like the handsome bastard he is.

so that was cool.

birds are cool.

how the fuck are you supposed to end these things anyway like do i just say over and out or
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