Accepted Domestication-able Headcrab Application

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HL2 RP Administrator
Mar 9, 2018
Link to Steam profile:
SteamID: STEAM_0:0:179582349
Ban history: None as far as I can remember.
Current and past whitelists (previous iterations included, especially if you played Houndeye or a similar faction):
Current iteration - Civil Protection
Past iterations - Zombie (early 2019? Quite brief since i remember stopping on neb shortly afterwards), CWU (late 2018-early 2019), UIL (early 2019)

Desired name for your character (for logging purposes):

What type of creature are you applying for?:
Good ol' normal headcrab

Are you applying for a domesticated headcrab?:
Possibly, yes.

Have you read and understood the rules posted in the Headcrab & Zombie guide?:
Yes, I have, and I understand the limitations imposed through the rules.

What should you always be doing when interacting with other players?:
Play-to-Lose at all times, except when said players attempt to S2K my character without initiation, by then I am allowed to defend myself (I am however not allowed to initiate S2K). Since I plan to be domesticated, personally I'd also try to be less violent and more easily scared off in RP unless directly threatened.

How many emotes are required for headcrabs to attach to their would-be host?:
Getting to latch on a human's head requires three steps (emotes): the attempt to latch on the person, then an emote describing a way to secure myself on the head itself (be it with whatever method involving puncturing the victim's flesh), and a final step consisting of the killing blow. Obviously at any of these steps the victim has a chance to avoid the attachment entirely, per emote.

What kind of scripts are you allowed to pick up?:
Exclusively non-canned food (meat, fruit, etc.), not drinks or any item that isn't food.

Do you understand that, though this whitelist is a premium bonus, it can be revoked if abused?:
Reactions: List


Fear the Old Blood
Premium Member
Apr 26, 2016
Accepted. Keep in mind that if you are ever killed on this character in RP (not twitch-reaction S2K), you lose the domestication and revert to being a normal headcrab. You must apply again to be domesticated if this happens, but otherwise can continue playing a wild headcrab if you so choose.
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