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A. Vaher

I make events of varying quality
HL2 RP Administrator
Premium Member
Apr 6, 2021
The poster on the wall seems to have miraculously survived the splashes of blood that coat the wall. A truly lucky event. The lifeless body of one Marcin Rodzkim at your feet, the source of it. His head has been caved in, a request device at his feet- you were but a second too slow.
EMPATHY: The body on the ground was just moments ago a living, breathing, person. You are solely responsible for this, and you shall bear the mark of their demise.
SHIVERS: The faint whistle of a jackboot's heel striking the pavement is already echoing down the alley. You don't have long.
As you examine the area for a route of escape, the only two options present themselves before you- the vent, comically small and not an option if it weren't for such a circumstance- and a plain metal door leading into a warehouse.
LOGIC [Easy: Failure] The vent is obviously the best option. After all, they always said nothing good in life comes easy- so surely that must apply to escape as well? So what if it's too small? You'll make it work.
You and your cohort wiggle into the open shaft and just barely drop inside the dim corridor before the Civil Protection round the corner. You feel as if you've skinned yourself from how uncomfortable that squeeze was.
OFFICER #1: '<::
Dispatch, DB count of 1 at 10-20 IS-12, PT-82 investigating. Code 3, 10-0. ::>'
OFFICER # 2: '<:: Guess that *was* the cry for help. ::>'
Whatever all that cop-speak meant, it likely wasn't good for you.
ESPRIT DE CORPS: These officers have been in the run-through of this sort of thing before. You see them communicate via hand signals to kick open the door suddenly and safely- anyone on the other side wouldn't stand a chance. They are top-of-the-line enforcers, and you, are but a lowlife rat.
The first officer raises his boot, and slams it into the door. Smash! It comes reeling open, and in the cops storm. They're off of your trail for the time being.
The small room you've dropped into is filled with boxes and a languid coating of dust. It has evidently not been disturbed for a long time.
LOGIC: They haven't seen your faces, nor do they know who you are. You can make it out of this- you just need to find a way back onto the streets, and a place to stash your less legal goods.
You look to your cohort, and you place the vent cover back into place. You've only got one way to go- and that's across the room to the doorway.

You've just bashed a loyalist, and he radioed in to the cops a bit too fast for you to stop. Damn.
You're gonna make a new character and he's gonna be epic.
If it wasn't obvious already, this is an experimentation with a 'Disco Elysium' style of actions and rolls.
Application sheet is below, please PM application in forum convo or on Discord, whichever is best for you.

1. Have you ever played Disco Elysium(so I can explain to you how things will work easier or not)?:
2. Do you have a free character slot or a pre-existing character you would like to use?:
3. What times and dates are good for you(in your local time and in EST)?:
4. If this character survives through the event, would you like them to be integrated into the city?:
4a. If yes, do you agree that if they die it is a PK?:
5. Are you willing to do the worse option on purpose if a roll dictates it?:
Last edited:
Oct 12, 2020
1. Have you ever played Disco Elysium(so I can explain to you how things will work easier or not)?: Played it
2. Do you have a free character slot or a pre-existing character you would like to use?: Yes
3. What times and dates are good for you(in your local time and in EST)?: British
4. If this character survives through the event, would you like them to be integrated into the city?: Yes
4a. If yes, do you agree that if they die it is a PK?: Yes
5. Are you willing to do the worse option on purpose if a roll dictates it?: Yes

Reactions: List

A. Vaher

I make events of varying quality
HL2 RP Administrator
Premium Member
Apr 6, 2021
1. Have you ever played Disco Elysium(so I can explain to you how things will work easier or not)?: Played it
2. Do you have a free character slot or a pre-existing character you would like to use?: Yes
3. What times and dates are good for you(in your local time and in EST)?: British
4. If this character survives through the event, would you like them to be integrated into the city?: Yes
4a. If yes, do you agree that if they die it is a PK?: Yes
5. Are you willing to do the worse option on purpose if a roll dictates it?: Yes

Accepted cause I am desperate :>

Last edited:
Reactions: List
Jan 19, 2023
1. Have you ever played Disco Elysium(so I can explain to you how things will work easier or not)?: what the fuck is a disco asylum
2. Do you have a free character slot or a pre-existing character you would like to use?: Free slot baby lets gooooooo- Or I can use one of the preexisting guys, i dont mind
3. What times and dates are good for you(in your local time and in EST)?: GMT. Or- BST i think, preferably not on a school day, easy peasy
4. If this character survives through the event, would you like them to be integrated into the city?: YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
4a. If yes, do you agree that if they die it is a PK?: yes
5. Are you willing to do the worse option on purpose if a roll dictates it?: Yeah why not.
Reactions: List