Suggestion Extra communication items/platform ideas


HL2 RP Administrator
Apr 25, 2017
In general, this will propose more forms of communication, some of which I'm certain are already planned/being worked on.

Pre-paid phone/burner phone
Currently, many of the forms of communication on the server provide a means to identify who the caller, poster or otherwise was. With chirping your name and with the advertisements automatically your number with which a very dedicated officer or one with a lucky guess can figure out your identity.

So, the solution could be to add a pre-paid phone. It comes with a functional number others can call you with and a function for you to call people with. Additionally allowing #ADs to have this number instead of your own allows you to maintain some anonymity while advertising or working your more illicit businesses. If balancing is needed these pre-paid phones could have limited minutes, time or messages they can use/receive before becoming effectively defunct though if this is implemented I would recommend allowing you to update the number on your own #AD messages or only having the limit on outbound calls.

Megaphones (and built-in megaphones in PD vehicles)
Sometimes you need someone to hear you from far away, the megaphone is a simple yet effective method to boost your voice over a larger to either maintain a safe distance or address crowds. This function would likely need to be integrated in PD vehicles as well which I recommend having both an interact menu option for to toggle yourself speaking over it, a bind to toggle speaking over it and a bind to speak over the megaphone while held down.

The equipable version of the megaphone would likely also be able to benefit from those binds or work with the relatively simpler logic of it doing its function while equipped.

(Hostage) Negotiation Phones
Many robberies in the city nearly require hostages to pull off, due to the limited ways of communicating from both parties at a distance this communication often happens at closer proximities. While this closer proximity might technically benefit Law Enforcement more than criminals, it does also put a greater risk on the LEO and Criminals as they might have to move outside of their cover or protected areas.

So with that, (Hostage) Negotiation Phones. A pair of phones that can only communicate with each other, akin to a radio stuck on a single channel. One of these phones or devices can be dropped near the entrance of whatever current situation demands communication for the criminal to pick up or interact with to start communicating with the appointed negotiator outside. Exposing both criminal and law enforcement minimally to the threats of each other.

A dark-web style app?
Perhaps add another app to the phone which allows you to set your own custom nickname (and perhaps even edit it at any time for a cost) where you can use it like the chirp app or #AD app without any identifiable information about your own identity being automatically included.

Alternatively, perhaps you can purchase a laptop and somehow acquire or purchase a VPN router which you can then place in your apartment and, with the combination of both, gain access to this media platform and patch into the criminal underworld forums.