Deleted member 38

john rebelrp
Apr 26, 2016

Across the next few days, a collection of fliers are dropped in almost every corner of the metro; they're pinned to walls, left on the floor, left on doorsteps and even left dangerously close to the Combine's own fortifications.

They're all hand-written, one by one; each of them unique.


Due North.

The resistance has many shortcomings.

People have forgotten to be human. Lives are unnecessarily lost. Battles are fought that didn’t need to be fought in the first place. Opportunities are being missed. People are being ignored. Equipment is being wasted. We’re fighting our battles with nothing but brute force.

In order to win this war - in order to match our enemy - we need to branch out into the world. We need to understand not only our enemy, but the world they’ve left us with; we can’t do that being as tunnel-visioned as we are right now. We can’t do that being divided, we can’t do that while we ignore the world around us.

We need to assess where we truly stand. We need to rise to our strengths. We need to think of not just now, but the future. We need to help others and ask for their help in return.

Lambda is not here forever; it knows that, we know that. Their help was never meant to be permanent. Due North understands this; one day, we will have our own supply lines - our own independence. One day, we will never have to rely on anybody but ourselves.

But we need souls to make that happen.
We need good, honest, strong people.
We need those willing to never take a step back without taking ten forward.

Find Cecilia.
Find the compass.
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