Hey this is me, I'm Neyo and this is me.

Mr. Anderson

Jun 6, 2016

I am Neyo my friends they all call me Neyo, so do I. I'm lots of fun to play with unless you don't like fun then I'm not. I like to have fun and play Video Games. I enjoy RP but hate Auschwits RP cause its always terrible. I like generic music and movies. I am down with the latest trends and what not. I have a pretty decent rig but am a terrible excuse for a gamer cause I suck at Video Games. I really like McDonalds and fast foods in general. I do and say dumb shit cause I feel I gotta dilute my pessimism with unfunny/dry humor but I promise I am cool.

I hope we can all get along and be best buds in the near future!
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