Hiiiii, have you heard about IDA and Lua Bytecode


Jul 3, 2016

well idk if there's modified Lua Repositories and if their Bytecode differs. But their first byte all starts with the version... right??

I hope at least.

IDA, wtf do I use it on idk, but I've been using it, just to find out that you need to cross-use it with other utilities. šŸ˜
I tried to use on CS2 once for the SourceMod thing, but uhhh yep

ALSO my English has like, reached the final form.
it wasn't the English lacking, it was the brain and logic, YEP!

I still won't be able to write Vortigaunt App and get accepted though. My English ain't that good yet.

But ik about garbage collection now :O

I could make HL2:RP plugins with the same quality as Gr4ss now :)

I also heard Lua isn't very great in OOP like the extends keyword from C++

But I found a trick to multi-inheritance... just that it creates a table, and a table is memory... but hey! you will only notice the memory if you create like 1 million entries in a table, which goes to like 100 MB, so what's 1 table gonna do, right?
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