Knock up that AA if possible bro.
Posing is pretty good, not too much of a problem there.
In poses like these, adding a few props like chairs, tables etc. is essential, even a mattress and a few junk props would do the trick here.
The bluesuit seems out of place holding an AK like that, and the wall behind him is quite bland and rather boring.
Also, I've noticed you using a lot of default animations (or you're the greatest poser idk), and while they are easy and quick to do and easy to implement, they don't feel natural neither do they convey emotion that well compared to posing them yourself. They work fine for people in the background, but the main subjects shouldn't really utilize them.
Also, you need to utilize all the tools at your disposal to tell stories when it comes to poses like this:
Adding junk and dirty mattresses conveys that it's a dirty and slum like apartment, while regular couches and furniture gives a vibe of a regular apartment. Adding a few blood splatters and drags gives a feeling of how the unit was killed, and also gives more atmosphere.