Accepted Hunk's LSPD application

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Extraction Point
GTA RP Playtester
Jul 31, 2016
Character name: John England

Date of birth: 5th of August,1991

Briefly describe your character's background: John is the son of a British wood crafter who traveled to the United States in order to expand his business in wood crafting. In Los Santos, Henry (John's father) met Eliza (John's Mother), a North-American nurse. Later, they married and had John.

John grew curious about law enforcement through the awareness and recruitment programs done in high schools. He always thought the idea of becoming a cop was "cool" and worth applying for. After graduation, John wasn't sure whether to apply for the academy or to opt for the local university. It was only when his long-time friend, Spencer Mikeson, applied for the police academy that John decided to apply too.

John's upbringing was normal, in comparison to the average North American. Stable, but not too comfortable. He lived next to a problematic neighborhood, despiste being a good American family. His father did not have enough to buy a house where safety was always assured.Still, this wasn't enough to destroy John's image of society and his opinion on the police. He still wanted to become a cop.

Why do you want to join the LSPD? (IC & OOC):

I wish to experience police roleplay on GTARP. In all honesty, I have never been part of any faction in GTARP and have always roleplayed as a regular civilian. Despite my inexperience in this specific line of duty, I trust my previous and current experiences on GMOD-HL2RP will suffice and prevent me from fucking up (at least, too often).

IC: As mentioned, John has always had a thing for law enforcement. When he saw his friend, Bob Mikeson, join the academy, he immediately joined along with him. John sees this line of duty as somewhat noble. A way of thanking the community that accepted his family in their country.

What are your character's short-term and long-term goals within the LSPD?:
John's ultimate goal is to live a comfortable life and hopefully return all the support his father and deceased mother have always given him. In the shorter term, John wishes to develop the skills his profession requires of him. He does not wish to see combat too often, however. John would probably not apply for SWAT or any specialized armed unit. Rather, he would either opt for something else more related to critical thinking and investigation.

Do you have experience on any other roleplay servers?: Yes. Way too much, actually.

What is your time zone?: GMT-00/BST

Do you understand that this role is very strict and not following the rules/protocols will result in your removal: Yes, I do.

Are there any additional details that you would like to share? (optional): What is a kilometer?
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Extraction Point
GTA RP Playtester
Jul 31, 2016
Update: I have taken some time to familiarize myself with GTArp chat commands and how the game mechanics work! šŸ‘


Loves QA testing
Head Staff
Premium Member
Jun 10, 2016
Spencer Mikeson
Bob Mikeson
Not sure if this is intentional or not, but it seems as though you put two different names for the same person you're referencing?

Thank you for applying to join the Los Santos Police Department.

We are pleased to welcome you to the LSPD. You will be granted access to the Los Santos Police Department forum where you can familiarize yourself with any important information posted there or simply ask any questions you may have.

Before we start your induction into the LSPD, please provide us with your discord username in this thread and make sure you're in the nebulous discord.

From there, you will receive further details on your induction.
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