Its been a long, long road guys. But it was a scenic one.

Donald J. Trump

King of Nebulous
Feb 25, 2017
Decided to hop on as I was curious to see the state of HL2rp, and I'm sad to see the inevitable has happened. Something that was once a huge part of my life has ended. A silly game mode where I formed some of my closest friendships both online, and in real life just by luck. Most of which are still going strong to this day. Almost 13 years since I first played the game mode after having a lifetime obsession with the Half-Life and Portal Universe, and I enjoyed every moment of it.

I do want to thank Nebulous for keeping the gamemode alive way longer then it would have otherwise, and for bringing some fresh air into the rather stagnant gamemode. But, since Nebulous was the last bastion of HL2rp and its come to an end, the gamemode is finally done. Anyways, I'm incredibly high, and feeling nostalgic looking back on the great memories, and the bad, so apologies for the blather. If you read this, thanks for making it to the end, and thanks for being one of the many players of this wonderful game over the years. -Donald J. Trump AKA. King, and ArtyomPetrovich. ❤️
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