Suggestion Job Payouts

Deleted member 442

Apr 27, 2016
Something seems... Well. I don't know how to put it.

I tried two jobs in particular, garbage and deliveries.

I got absolutely dick for cash, I think it was $600~ish doing garbage, but $3000 doing deliveries with 12 boxes which felt like they took roughly the same amount of time to complete. I'll try and time my completion time next time and follow up on this thread.

Either garbage pickup payouts is too low or package delivery payouts is too high given the time investment for each activity. I'm not 100% sure which but my first feeling is that package delivery payout might be too high.

Considering the cost of firearms and other goods (emphasizing guns here because they can be disruptive in a shitlord's hands), maybe lower the payout of deliveries to either be on par with or just barely ahead of garbage unless there is going to be a materials/crafting system implemented that offsets the direct cash payout from garbage pickup that would open up another avenue to make money.

Maybe deliveries do take long enough to justify the payout, but it didn't feel like it. Maybe an avenue for slightly, but not too drastically higher payouts to these jobs could be made through grouping up with other people to accomplish a single job.

Deleted member 442

Apr 27, 2016
Yeah a lot of the economy needs balancing, we kind of just threw in some numbers for now

ya i think i remember one of y'all sayin that. just wanted to make a thread aboot it.

from my perspective playing on np, garbage didn't really pay out much cash, just a couple hundred at most, but you'd make the difference up in physical materials you could sell at whatever cost they'd agree to. meanwhile, fishing would pay out uhhhhh, maybe I think $850-950 solo but as high as $1300 in a group (in one server, it's half that in the other one).

I'd like to see some parity in the civilian job payout if there's no material/crafting system at launch so people don't feel forced to do one job in particular for the best payouts. Except maybe taxi, idk, let that shit be cutthroat capitalism with a lower base pay so they at least get something but can get tips or charge by the mile or whatever the fuck they wanna do.

There was also a limit on how many runs you could do in a certain period of time (i think like 45 min to an hour?) where you'd get full payout. This is something I think should be considered tbh. Discourage people from grinding a single activity like that especially as easy as they are and encourage people to do different jobs, move around and do new things.