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Apr 26, 2016

Call to Order
A meeting of the Knights of the Round Table was held at the House of Commons on 08/05/22, 03:30 am.

Voting members in attendance included:
King Arthur
Knight Gawain
Knight Galahad
Knight Tristan
Knight Percival
Knight Lancelot

Guests in attendance included:
Henry Thompson

Members not in attendance included:

Approval of Minutes
A motion to approve the minutes of this meeting was made by Knight Gawain and seconded by King Arthur. Henry Thompson was chosen as Minute Taker.

“The Retaking of London”
was presented by Knight Galahad.
“The Fortification of Wales” was presented by Knight Lancelot.
“The Pacification of the Combine” was presented by Knight Percival.
“The Settling of the Civilian Population” was presented by Knight Tristan.
“Clerical Concerns” was presented by Merlin.

Main Motions
Reintegration of Combine Forces Into Society:
Moved by Knight Galahad and seconded that the surrendering forces of the Combine be treated humanely as prisoners of war, with one unit integrated into each squad as an ambassador. Motion failed with 3 in favour and 4 against.

Reintegration of Combine Forces into Society, Addendum: Moved by Knight Galahad and seconded that the surrendering forces of the Combine be treated humanely as prisoners of war, pending service in the civilian workforce. Motion passed with 6 in favour and 1 against.

The Welsh Offensive: Moved by King Arthur and seconded that plans must be made to annex Wales immediately. Motion passed unanimously.

The Mobilization of the Clergy: Moved by Knight Tristan and seconded that the clergy be moved to vanguard positions within the army to better utilize their offensive capabilities. Motion failed with 2 in favour and 5 against.

International Alliance: Moved by Knight Percival and seconded that a portion of reserve squires be sent to other countries to inform the resistance cells within as to the state of Albion. Motion passed unanimously.

Redemption Act: Moved by Knight Galahad and seconded that Knight Galahad requisition able-bodied Combine prisoners of war to replenish his squad. Motion passed unanimously.

King Arthur moved that the meeting be adjourned, and this was agreed upon at 05:12 am.

"At this table, we are equal. At this table, Britannia is reunited."
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