Accepted Minx's Vort Application

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Jan 4, 2021
Steam name: Dr. Bright (stephanoraiden)
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:64940229
Previous experience with Vortigaunt factions: I had a good experience with playing Vortigaunt in other servers before they were shut down due to an incident that was under investigation. I had a lot of Vortigaunt characters. I also roleplay as Vortigaunt in Black Mesa RP.
Have you read the Vortigaunt Guide?: Yes, I will continue reading it so I don't mess up when I play as Vortigaunt

Character Name: Miniri'MinxWhat kind of character do you plan on portraying? How do their traits distinguish them from the rest of their species?: Miniri'Minx is interested in humans, claiming they are interesting. Miniri'Minx would question why others think humans are evil when they are just weird and funny. Their trait is that they can see good in humans and other species. Also loves birds, and would feed crows when having enough food to feed themselves, even if other Vortigaunts and humans say "stop wasting food". Named one of the birds that stuck by them "Denvehlih" Which means in Vortigese "Wings for the spirit to fly". They are also good at pick-locking things using various items that seem to look like scraps, they have managed to lock pick into buildings or area that is referred to as 404. Also, they are a bit smaller than the average height in Votrigaunts.

Brief Backstory: Miniri'Minx has been one of the many Vortigaunt that was born in Xen, while Nihilanth was still in control. They were forced to work straight away as they were getting shackled. Miniri'Minx was forced with other Vortigaunts to move the dead bodies of Vortigaunt. The Alien Grunts, referred to in their tongue as The Hulkabin, soon began to kill Minx's kind for disobeying their orders. Miniri'Minx has worked as a slave while secretly trying to figure a way to get those shackles off themselves, they even try to steal various items from under Hulkabins' nose.

When the Black Mesa Incident happens, the portal storm happens Miniri Minx saw other Vortigaunts being controlled by what would be called as "controllers" also known as "Xen masters". They looked to be like mini versions of Nihilanth in appearance. Other Vortigunts went to a specific portal while Miniri Minx refused to go that way and went to a different one. Due to many storm portals, Miniri'Minx has ended up on Earth. There were woods surrounding the area and green. Something that Miniri Minx hasn't seen before. Wandering around for what felt like hours and hours.

(This is a brief backstory. Sorry I have dyslexia so it might be bad, I am using Grammarly which helps a bit.)

What kind of group(s) are you planning to work with (if any)?: if it's groups, then none. But if it's general I would say rebel.

Do you intend to request a power specific to your character? If so, specify (Keep in mind you cannot use this in S2K situations):
Power would be able to see good in humans and other species.
But items would be a pick-lock device (if able)
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May 18, 2016
Can you unbold your answers, fix typos ('Votigaunt', 'Vortigunts' ) and rewrite some odd phrasing choices to be clearer? (e.g "The Hulkabins soon refer to Alien Grunts killing them for "not following orders" could be "The Alien Grunts, referred in their tongue as The Hulkabin, soon began to kill Minx's kind for disobeying their orders.")
Reactions: List
May 18, 2016
I am going to very, VERY tentatively accept this.

I don't feel like your grammar itself is up to the basic standard we expect of people playing Vortigaunt characters, but I can also tell you're passionate about this and I don't want to squander that. That being said - if I start getting complaints, I'm going to have to reconsider.

Accepted on trial.
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