Suggestion Now in theaters, Prison Escape


HL2 RP Administrator
Apr 25, 2017
Prison as it stands is rather simple and from what I gather just removes you from the equation for however long your sentence is. If you want to get out quicker, you have to do the equivalent of taking care of your temporary apartment block and cleaning the place up.

However, the end goal is getting out and to some people. that's worth an increased sentence if you fuck it up. All we need is a way to get in a position to get beyond the walls.

The prison likes to make some extra cash off of the work from others, so the prison has various jobs to give its prisoners to do work outside of the prison walls while still close by. From going out to scavenge for anything of value near the prison, perhaps cleaning up trash near the freeway to mining the rocks nearby.

Now, while the prison staff remains severely underfunded many of the guards adopt a "I only need to report it, not handle it" approach. As such prisoners taking these tasks outside of the prison are under surveillance of either the guards while near the prison or from locals if, for example, near the highway. This means any attempt at escape will likely get reported really quickly but won't prompt an actual response from the guards until their funding improves.

Furthermore, to make running harder prisoners going outside are hit with leg cuffs and a tracking ankle bracelet. The former of which can get removed with the help of a lockpick while the latter will require a knife of some variety and some luck as you figure out which of the wires you cut to disable the thing without immediately alerting the guards. Some say it's got enough current to give you a good shock if you cut the wrong one.

Of course, when the guards are notified or spot it the report reaches the Law Enforcement Officers in the city who will always get the name of the escapee whenever they get the report and, if you don't take care of the tracking ankle bracelet, the recent/current location of the escaping prisoner until they get it off.

Escaping prison isn't easy and is risky, but to some, it's worth the cost.