Suggestion QOL Changes


Sep 20, 2023
Single Radial Menu
Kind of feels messy and confusing when we have one radial menu for our character things and another one for vehicle things on two different keybinds. I think we should just make one radial menu and have them split into categories.
Rental Location Change
Instead of it being such a run (especially for new players) I suggest you bring the car rental to be the parking lot right behind the bank in front of the Pink Cage.
New Player Guide
When a new player spawns in for the first time I think a little book guide would be good to kind of tell them what they can do/what everything is. Good things to possibly put in could be. Reminding them to go into the keybinds and see what everything is and change stuff if they want to (also tell them how to get there). Also an overview of the settings like pop density and etc couldn't hurt. Tell them where they can get a rental car. Give a basic run down of the phone and how the jobs app works on the phone and that it tells you what to do for jobs. It could possibly contain more but overall we hit the big items. Without leaving the apartment they were able to setup how they want to play the game and they know how to get around the city and at least start making some sort of money.
More Player Feedback
I think it would also be beneficial for players to just get something in the top right corner or wherever letting them know they have completed there task successfully or unsuccessfully. Best example I can give would be lockpicking. The first time I did it I failed it and was more confused on what happened because it just stopped without any sort of feedback. Even if it just says "failed lockpicking" is enough to know what is happening.

Also sorry for the big post :)
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