Red Balloons over the City


HL2 RP Administrator
Jun 13, 2016

Over the soaring skies, a handful of red helium balloons tied to a stack of letters fly over the city of Odessa. Slowly littering the depressing streets with these strange and loving letters titled 'OFFER OF REDEMPTION'. There are plenty of these letters raining down on the city, slowly floating down like a feather onto nearby concrete pavements, puddles, and even the windowsills. Awaiting a curious soul to pick them up.


The quality of the paper appears quite pre-war but wrinkly, and upon flipping the paper, you find there are endless lines of redacted content. However, there remains an untouched element on the paper and that is the outstanding logo found at the top of the paper. It reads "THE ODESSAN INSTITUTE OF GENERAL SCIENCE". For anyone that happened to be familiar with pre-war geography, it would suggest these papers may have departed from a nearby facility.

The red balloons gradually delivered their payload, one after another, sprinkling these letters across the city, before finally departing upwards. Taken away by the wind before breaking through the ever-changing clouds above us all. Never to be seen again.


Dear Special You,
This is an offer of Redemption.

Let’s put this terrible chapter of war behind us, and reintegrate once more as a community, as a family.

I know you have flesh much like us. There is no need to be embarrassed about this particular fact. It is something that we all have in common. You are like us.

If you find yourself doubtful of Redemption. Do not be afraid, as the segregation of the mask and the beautiful face that is yours is the first step towards forgiveness.

Let us see your glorious smile, the same smile that can make others blush on the most depressing of days.

There are people waiting to see you. We will wholeheartedly welcome you with open arms, feed you, and keep you safe from the horrors of the world.

If you bleed like us, physically or emotionally, we would be honoured to extend our hand to help you. It is a lonely and cruel world, but not a heartless world.

We do not want to see you getting hurt. We just want to see the face of a person that we can confidently call a friend. A friend of good spirits, a thoughtful friend, a friend that cares for its community, and their humanity.

It is never too late to take off the mask, and join us on the outskirts of the city of Odessa.

We will not fire upon any maskless friend that tries to join us around the warm and soothing campfire.

Make sure to take off the mask as you march across the bridge. Keep your hands above your head, in a cross-like shape.

We hope to welcome you soon.
A Friend from the other side.

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